
Showing posts from 2021

Embodied Presence and Living in a New Reality

  What is Embodied Presence? How can you become more aware of this Presence within yourself to help you to remain calm, centered, and peaceful amid life's challenges? These are some of the questions I have asked myself for many years which I have after years of mediation practice and study, finally begun to truly understand and embody for myself .  For the past two months, I have been in the process of releasing how I have distracted myself from paying attention to my essential nature, the stillness of being.  I have been going deeper into this exploration of my True Self, allowing everything I have identified with to drop away.   This included the story of me or the personal self, my successes and failures, especially regarding my career choices.  As well as how I saw myself being in the world and  all of the roles I have played and am still playing, identifying with, and seeing myself as.   It included letting go of all the ways I was jud...

The Mastery of Being Part I

For most of my life, I have been dedicated to self-mastery.  My orientation for this was based on my studies of the Ascended Master Teachings and of my spiritual training with a non-denominational New Thought metaphysical organization, The Teaching of the Inner Christ for over 13 years. I was taught that when one becomes the master of their own life, they are then able to have dominion over every aspect of their life as well as living from their Higher Self and being fully self-realized. Since COVID much of my understanding of mastery has expanded as I feel that we are all undergoing an initiation of sorts, as we deal with the shadow controllers’ games of fear and oppression.   Understanding Our Ascension Process Part of our Ascension process is to be able to learn how to face these new challenges by first being willing to see our own shadow aspects play out and then by owning these parts of ourselves and healing them. Once we move beyond our need to project our shadow onto o...

Mastery of Being Part II

Mastery of Being is no longer just for the few.   It is no longer just for those who have ascended with or without their bodies or those who have become fully self-realized as have a few great Master Teachers or Saints.   To claim our sovereignty and learn how to follow our own inner guidance. To recognize our full potential as human beings and awaken fully to all of our dormant powers and abilities.   This is the age of our ascension, (if you want to know more about ascension, please see my article Understanding the Process of Ascension ), where all people have a choice to make.   Will you choose to live from the mastery of your pure potential as the unlimited possibility of life or continue to follow your slave self-programming and ego-mind.    We all came here at this time to do one of two things.   To fulfill the Divine Plan of Heaven on Earth or to continue being a slave to the old systems of control and oppression. How Do We Live from the...

Shifting Your Perception Can Shift Your Experience of Reality

  You may have heard that your perception is everything, but what does this truly mean?  After all, there are over 8 billion people on our planet and it would seem that all of them view the world differently from ourselves. Especially in today's environment where there is so much dissonance between people.   Each of us forms our beliefs and how we view the world based on a myriad of circumstances.  Our environment, parents, education, media, social influences, and more.  Our perception of ourselves, our life, or the world at large creates the reality we live in at any given moment.   Our perception is subjective because each person chooses to see or perceive what they wish to perceive.  For some, as the old adage goes, "the glass can be half full or half empty" depending on how you perceive it.  When you change your perception from something that is not life-affirming to something that is life-affirming then you are able to also shift yo...

Understanding the Process of Ascension

  You may have heard the word ascension used quite often these days, and yet what does this really mean and how do we do it? I have discovered that ascension is a process, not a goal.  It isn't something that you learn how to do but rather it is something you are doing as you evolve into your full human potential. It  is the process of your awakening to your True Nature or your Essential Self.    Ascension is the realization of your unlimitedness, your superpowers, your connection to the allness of life, and the expression of this in your current human form.    It is the healing of our karma and karmic patterns of significant lifetimes and on many of the spiritual planes that we may have existed on at one time or another. It is mastery over the material world.  Dominion over each area of your life and most of all it is living in service to the awakening of humanity.   Ascension is a transfiguration of our physical carbon-based bodies int...

What it Means to Be the Master of Your Life

  No one can give you power but yourself. What I am speaking about is TRUE Power, the power that comes from within yourself and that no one can ever take from you. This is the power of self-mastery. This is the power that will make you strong, fearless, and give you the courage to face whatever you are called to face in your life. It is this power that we all have and that we are all responsible for. Ever since I can remember I have desired to be a person who has achieved a state of self-mastery.  This idea of being a master has many interpretations. For some being a master conjures up images of Jesus walking on water, Sai Baba manifesting Vibuti in front of thousands, bi-locating and levitating oneself. Mastery may also signify being excellent in one thing, a skill or art form. Webster defines it as,  to command or has a superior grasp over something . A master has generally spent years in the study of one thing and has mastered that skill or subject.  I am sure you...

The Biggest Challenge of Our Times: Transhumanism vs Humanity

  We are at a crossroads in humanity. The old story of survival of the fittest and all that that implies for our future regarding the use of AI in our biology vs the new science that has been discovering for the past decade or more new facts to support a different theory of how we developed, evolved. This new science is not shared on any mainstream news outlet or in our schools or books. But it is here to stay, and it has a growing movement behind it, with scientists and social transformers and people like you and me who know this feels right. Maybe, you have always resonated with the idea that being human does not mean being limited and small, flawed as we have been told for the past 200,000 years. This old story about humanity seeped into all religious doctrine in one way or another. Being human was to be vulnerable, small, flawed, and incapable of going beyond our physical limitations. Science has now seen evidence dating back 200,000 years showing that we were highly capabl...

The Call to Courage

  What is the meaning of courage? I have pondered this question for many years. Given our current world situation and the challenges that we are all facing, the question of courage and what it means to be called to courage is an important one to answer. The dictionary defines courage as a state of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear, bravery. Courage can also mean allowing your heart to connect with your power center since the root of courage is Coeur the French for the heart. But it wasn’t until I listened to Breene Brown speak about courage that I began to really understand it. She quoted a speech by Teddy Roosevelt that was very powerful and summed up what it means to live bravely. (I corrected the gender pronouns to reflect his and her only since this was written in 1910) "It is not the critic who counts; not the person who points out how the strong woman stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. Th...

Awakening to the Power Within Yourself

When you are a sovereign being you are whole unto yourself. You do not give away your authority to anyone, anything, any concept or idea, any ascended master, angel etc. You learn how to trust your own guidance as an extension of Creator Source and nothing else. You see, all of us have been duped, yes even the so-called lightworkers and that includes me. The ones who have been spiritual seekers and have sought Truth.  All of us no matter who you are or where you live we are all living under essentially the same system and so we have all been told things that are not necessarily the Truth.  Much of our belief systems, religious organizations, philosophies have been co-opted.  Yes, this may be hard to hear but I feel that the time has arrived for each of us to stand up and become who we are meant to be. To remember who we are and what we are capable of and how we alone can shift things when we stand up and say no more. When we begin to believe that we are the extens...

The Shift of Ages , A New Year's Opportunity

We are at the dawning of a new age that literally was initiated on the Solstice Dec. 21st, 2020. We are also beginning a new year that holds our hopes for what this new world can be even as the old world continues to fall apart. Many call this time the Shift of Ages , which some have said started with the onset of the information age of the internet, but for me, it somehow feels as if we have truly just begun it. This Shift of Ages occurs every 2,160 years. This is a time of great change for our world and with change, there may also be a disruption of the old ways of living and being.  Our year began with the COVID virus which was the first disruption to our way of life. Regardless of how or why this virus came to our world its greater purpose I believe was to cause all of humanity to stop and look at the world we had created. To take time out and just reflect on our own lives, our relationships, and what our world had become.  The disruption of businesses, schools, recreat...