Shifting Your Perception Can Shift Your Experience of Reality


You may have heard that your perception is everything, but what does this truly mean? 

After all, there are over 8 billion people on our planet and it would seem that all of them view the world differently from ourselves. Especially in today's environment where there is so much dissonance between people. 

 Each of us forms our beliefs and how we view the world based on a myriad of circumstances.  Our environment, parents, education, media, social influences, and more.  Our perception of ourselves, our life, or the world at large creates the reality we live in at any given moment.  

Our perception is subjective because each person chooses to see or perceive what they wish to perceive.  For some, as the old adage goes, "the glass can be half full or half empty" depending on how you perceive it.  When you change your perception from something that is not life-affirming to something that is life-affirming then you are able to also shift your vibration or frequency and so your reality will reflect this new way of perceiving life.  

The Power of Your Words

As a metaphysician, I have studied the science of words. Words have a vibration to them.  That is why when you hear something derogatory you feel unpleasant energy. Or when you feel an uplifting word you feel inspired or more positive.  Quantum Physics tells us that everything is energy, you, me, the table or chair, and even words.  Words carry a vibration, some words bring us others down.  Words can help you change your perception of how you see yourself, or how you see the world. 

Your perception creates the reality you experience. This is because you give it power through your belief and in the words you use.  When you change your perception your reality will then change too.  This is inevitable.

 Real change can only come when we first change our own vibration. In order to have something changed in the outside world, you need to first make the shift from within yourself.  Then the Unified Field will reflect back to you exactly the vibration you are putting out.  

How Shifting Your Perception Can Shift Your Reality 

We can probably all agree that our world is going through massive changes right now.  Some of these changes are uncomfortable and scary for many and the words you use to describe what you are seeing will make all the difference in how you feel about what is occurring in the world at this time.

  You might be thinking that everything is in chaos and breakdown as old systems fall away or loss of personal freedoms, censorship, and in general a kind of collapse of the world as we have known as it unfolds before your eyes.  From this perspective, the world looks frightening, unsure, and out of our control. 

 But what if just by using different words to describe what you see, this perspective could change, and suddenly you might find yourself seeing what is happening here in a completely different way.  

What if the chaos here is actually a reorganization of patterns, new growth, and evolution?

What if the collapse of old systems is actually the deconstruction of what hasn't been working effectively and is doing so only to be reconstructed in a more effective way?

What if the world breaking down is actually the world having a breakthrough and getting ready for something far better than we could ever imagine?  

So just by changing a few words, you are able to also shift your perception and the energy regarding the thing you are speaking about, and thus your experience of what is happening changes.

There are many words you can choose to shift your perception about the changes our world is going through at this time. Here are some more words you may like to use,  realign, reconstruct, revamp, recalibrate, resurgence, re-envision, birthing, reconfigure. 

Staying Neutral in Times of Great Change

I have found that one of the easiest ways to begin to shift your perception is to learn how to maintain a state of neutrality. Because, when you are neutral about something you are able to maintain a state of clarity and non-judgment. This may sound like a tall order especially when many people around you are still very polarized, but you can learn how to first observe your inner thoughts and reactions to things you see or hear.  

When you begin to engage with your inner witness, that part of your True Nature which has no opinion or bias about anything, but just observes what you (your personality and ego), is thinking, saying, and feeling then cultivating neutrality will be much simpler and easier to do. To be a witness to the drama playing out rather than get caught in it allows you to become the observer.

As you develop your ability to stay neutral rather than in reactivity, changing or shifting your perception can become easier to do, and as your perception changes of the world or of the people around you, so does your energy field and your vibration. This in turn will affect how you relate to the world and empower you to step back from the drama that is being played out and stay focused on the world you wish to live in. 

If what you perceive creates your experience,  then imagine what you can do when you perceive the world and the Earth as going through necessary and needed massive transformation in order to create the major breakthroughs needed at this time. Breakthroughs that establish new systems of self-governing, decentralization 
of the financial system, end poverty and starvation, and provide innovative ideas that will help to solve many of our environmental issues.

The world we wish to live in and thrive in is just around the corner if you are willing to hold the vision and perceive what is happening as part of a necessary process of our Ascension and moving into new ways of thinking and being based on unconditional love rather and unity rather than hate, fear, and separation. 

If  you would like to work with me or find out more about my private  ascension coaching sessions or private long-term work please go to


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