Awakening to the Power Within Yourself

When you are a sovereign being you are whole unto yourself. You do not give away your authority to anyone, anything, any concept or idea, any ascended master, angel etc. You learn how to trust your own guidance as an extension of Creator Source and nothing else. You see, all of us have been duped, yes even the so-called lightworkers and that includes me. The ones who have been spiritual seekers and have sought Truth.  All of us no matter who you are or where you live we are all living under essentially the same system and so we have all been told things that are not necessarily the Truth.  Much of our belief systems, religious organizations, philosophies have been co-opted.

 Yes, this may be hard to hear but I feel that the time has arrived for each of us to stand up and become who we are meant to be. To remember who we are and what we are capable of and how we alone can shift things when we stand up and say no more. When we begin to believe that we are the extension of the all intelligent, all knowing Creator Source, or whatever name you choose to give it.

then remember I am a master, a master does not give away their power. So I begin to claim it back from these unknown beings. I claim it back from the fires, from the news, from the fear that I pick up on when I go to the market or an event. I claim it all back from anything, any person, place, or thing where I have given it away. You see power is a funny thing.

No one can give you power but yourself.

Now I don’t mean the kind of power we see in our politics, the selfish, ego-based power or power over others. What I am speaking about is TRUE Power, the power that comes from within yourself and that no one can ever take from you. This is the power of self-mastery. This is the power that will make you strong, fearless, and give you the courage to face whatever you are called to face in your life. It is this power that we all have and that we are all responsible for. When we know that we are powerful beings that can accomplish anything that we set our hearts and minds to then we take responsibility for creating the world we want to live in.  Not a world of scarcity, war, and rampant suffering. If we wish to create a different reality for ourselves and the world then we must first call back those shadow aspects of our own hidden psyche. Those fragmented parts of our own shadow that have gotten lost in the collective field and manifested as the darkness we now see.

 We stand as a master and we take back our power from this darkness and say No More! “ I reclaim those parts of myself that I see manifested as greed, cruelty, as murder, selfishness, power over others,  I reclaim my power, I take it back.”  We forgive ourselves for disowning those parts so that now when they come back to us we can heal and integrate them into our psyche with love.

As a being who declares yourself on a path of Self-Mastery,  the change must start with you first. You need to own that you are a powerful being of love, light, wisdom, courage, and faith. You must feel in your heart and mind that you are stronger than any force outside of yourself no matter what that might be.
 Personal mastery,  and living from your power within yourself  requires that I, you, we learn to live from this power that is our birthright.  It also requires that we all take a stand for what we want in our lives and in our world and that we begin by owning right now your personal power and by knowing that you have the power to create a world that is truly heaven on earth now.  

Each moment you have the opportunity to choose again and to stand for what you know is the right thing for you to do.  When you come from your inner power you have a voice and the ability to be true to yourself.  You have the opportunity to make a difference by being authentically you.


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