Understanding the Process of Ascension

You may have heard the word ascension used quite often these days, and yet what does this really mean and how do we do it?

I have discovered that ascension is a process, not a goal.  It isn't something that you learn how to do but rather it is something you are doing as you evolve into your full human potential. It is the process of your awakening to your True Nature or your Essential Self.

Ascension is the realization of your unlimitedness, your superpowers, your connection to the allness of life, and the expression of this in your current human form. 
It is the healing of our karma and karmic patterns of significant lifetimes and on many of the spiritual planes that we may have existed on at one time or another.

It is mastery over the material world.  Dominion over each area of your life and most of all it is living in service to the awakening of humanity.  

Ascension is a transfiguration of our physical carbon-based bodies into a crystalline-based body.  It is living in our crystalline light body which holds a very high vibration. 

It is learning how to live in a 5th Dimensional reality while physically living in a 3rd Dimensional world.  You can say it is living in the world but not being of the world.  

In this very transformative time which can also be scary, confusing, life-threatening for some, and uncertain for most, the ascension process is part of humanity's awakening and evolution as a species.  The Earth or Gaia is also ascending for She is an organic being that also grows in consciousness and as she evolves those who live on Her must evolve with Her.

Ascension isn't something new.  It has always been part of the science of spirituality and our spiritual development.  Spiritual development is not something separate from your everyday life but rather something that you weave into life and live as part of your everyday life.  

Everything you do in life is part of your Ascension process even if you are not aware of it yet or are still asleep to your True Self and you're full potential.  It is living your spirituality or spiritual values not just talking the talk but actually walking the walk of an awake and aware being.

What Does it Take to Consciously Ascend? 

This is a very good question and there are many different answers. I can only share what I know from studying and practicing myself.  The following are few suggestions that I feel are the most important things to begin this process.

  • The first thing is the conscious desire to wake up to the Truth of who you are, your unlimited capabilities, to want to Ascend and become more masterful over your mental, emotional, physical, etheric bodies. 
  • To commit to doing your inner work which may involve healing from the traumas in your life, facing your demons, and learning how to love and accept yourself exactly the way you are.  Learning how to forgive yourself and others for mistakes made, or harm that was done to you by others.
  • Developing compassion for yourself and others, and being willing to feel gratitude for everything in your life both the good and the not so good.
  • Learning the Art of Surrender and opening to what Life is offering you  moment to moment without resistance.
  • Learning how to have a deeply felt and conscious connection with your Higher Self or I Am Presence, your guides, and master teachers.
  •  Learning how to sustain higher vibrational frequencies and opening your heart so that you can begin to know and feel unconditional love for yourself and everyone.  This helps you to become more attuned to your Higher Self and begin to embody that aspect over time.
  • Developing an attitude of humility and appreciation for your life, and all that life is.
  • Taking full responsibility for yourself and your creations whatever they may be or have been.  This is a very big part of waking up when you begin to stop playing the victim or the martyr and begin to see that you are so powerful that your words and your thoughts are what actually create your physical reality.
Ascension is an everyday practice of living your commitment to yourself to be the best possible version of you that you can be in each moment.  That commitment may be something you do daily, hourly, or minute by minute.  It is not always easy but it is worth it.  

If we are to create a different world one where life is most valued over profit and equality is for all, where unconditional love and acceptance is the normal way of being and everyone feels fulfilled, loved, healthy, connected to Source and Nature, then it is up to us, you and me to take the first steps, to awaken, to take responsibility for the world we wish to create and co-create it together.

Ascension Coaching with Luminessa Enjara

If you are just beginning or have been on this path for many years, having an ascension coach and guide on your spiritual journey may provide you with the support you need on your path of Ascension.  I offer Transformational private Sessions please go to my website to find out how you can receive your FREE Discovery Session with me.


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