What it Means to Be the Master of Your Life


No one can give you power but yourself.

What I am speaking about is TRUE Power, the power that comes from within yourself and that no one can ever take from you. This is the power of self-mastery. This is the power that will make you strong, fearless, and give you the courage to face whatever you are called to face in your life. It is this power that we all have and that we are all responsible for.

Ever since I can remember I have desired to be a person who has achieved a state of self-mastery.  This idea of being a master has many interpretations. For some being a master conjures up images of Jesus walking on water, Sai Baba manifesting Vibuti in front of thousands, bi-locating and levitating oneself.

Mastery may also signify being excellent in one thing, a skill or art form. Webster defines it as, to command or has a superior grasp over something. A master has generally spent years in the study of one thing and has mastered that skill or subject.  I am sure you have known people who have been great artists or dancers, even actors. Some would say that Meryl Streep is a master actor, Steven Spielberg a master director, and Misty Copeland a master ballet dancer. 

Self-Mastery is entirely something different for to become a master of one’s self-implies that the individual has to first know him or herself and then take command of all the different aspects that make them be human. This would mean taking command of your health, finances, relationships, your emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and energy bodies as well.  It would also require that you devote a great deal of time to the discovery of your true nature and self-awareness.

It is because of these things that becoming masterful over one’s own life isn’t just for anyone although it is available to anyone who feels the desire to go on this path of spiritual awakening. The difference is your commitment and dedication to this particular path.

I have known from a very early age that I wanted to become a master of my own self. I remember reading books in my twenties and thirties about characters that we're able to heal their own bodies and youth themselves with electricity or a special elixir. I just knew that was possible and that I wanted to be like those characters in those books. 

You may even feel that right now you already possess a high degree of mastery or skill in one area or another of your life. You might feel that your finances are handled, or that your ability to heal your own body is easy for you. Mastering your emotional body and mind are often the most challenging but definitely doable. I have found that the more I am able to tune into and become stillness itself the less emotionally reactive I am.

For most, it takes a lifetime of diligent practice to truly be able to call yourself a master of your own being. Living in the world but not of it is no easy thing. This life offers so many challenges and unless you are single-focused and are dedicated to self-mastery as a spiritual path you will not succeed.  Being a master of your own life actually means taking full responsibility for that life and knowing that you are the only one who can give your power away.

Especially now when there appears to be so much chaos and mayhem in the world. Every day I read another horror story about the demise of our human rights or of our democratic way of life. I hear about secret agendas that have been put in place for many years now coming into a reality that is not going to benefit humankind. My first reaction is either fear or to hide my head in the sand but then I begin to just feel angry shocked that any group of individuals could actually want all of these “disasters” to happen and in fact helps to cause them and feeds off of the fear and emotional drama that often ensues.

How You Can Become More Masterful in Your Life

  • Taking responsibility for your own life is the first thing you can do to help shift and create a better world for all. What this means is that you create everything in your life even when it looks like you didn't. You are the only one responsible for your life, even when you think you aren't. Saying "I take responsibility for....." is a powerful statement and can release fear, disempowerment, and free you from being a victim.

  • Release the victim victimizer programming that all of humanity has by owning all of your shadows rather than projecting it into the collective field, and taking full responsibility for everything you have experienced.

  • Watch what you say and think. This is because your words, thoughts, and vibration bring to you what you want and what you don't want. When you become aware of the words you speak and thoughts you think and begin to align more with what you want in life rather than what you don't want, you will begin to see a difference in what you create and how others respond to you. 
  •  Think for yourself! Question everything that does not feel right for you or feels out of alignment with your heart.  Do not allow other people or the media or anyone outside of yourself to tell you how to act and think.  Break free of the mind control that exists through media and fear-mongering. 
  • Stand as a master and we take back our power from this darkness and say
"No More I reclaim these parts of myself that I see manifested as greed, racism, cruelty, as murder, selfishness, power over others, anger,  I reclaim all aspects that I have disowned and call them home to me.”  

  •  Forgive yourself for disowning those parts so that now when they come back to us we can heal and integrate them into our psyche with love. Forgive yourself for anything you may have done that you regret or feel guilty or ashamed of and forgive others for any harm they have done to you.
When we know that we are powerful beings that can accomplish anything that we set our hearts and minds to then we take responsibility for creating the world we want to live in.  Not a world of scarcity, war, and rampant suffering. If we wish to create a different reality for ourselves and the world then we must first call back those shadow aspects of our own hidden psyche. Those fragmented parts of our own shadow have gotten lost in the collective field and manifested as the darkness we now see and are also the shadow aspects of ourselves that we have disowned.

 Personal mastery, living as a master requires that I, you, we act as a master acts and responds as a master would respond always coming from love, not fear, and often for the good of all. It also requires that we all take a stand for what we want in our lives and in our world and that we begin by owning right now that we have the power to create that.  

Today we have a golden opportunity to do the inner work that it takes to become more masterful in our lives.  Then taking a stand for the Truth that is for the highest good of all concern, so that we can begin to create a world where all of us can live free and sovereign in a world that is based on abundance, love, spirituality, and feminine values.

This is a pivotal time in our history and it is time for us to wake up to our true inner power that is one of higher consciousness and awareness. How you get there is up to you, but I invite you to be willing to do the inner work that is necessary so that all of us can benefit and begin to establish a world that is based on those values that support humanity's well-being and freedom.


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