Claim Your Superpower Now

What does it mean to be truly a sovereign person? You may have noticed that this seems to be the new buzz word but do you really know what this means? Webster's has several definitions for this word but there are two I have chosen that seems to fit here. The quality or state of being sovereign , or of having supreme power or authority. Rightful status, independence, or prerogative. With sovereignty comes responsibility for when you say, "I am a sovereign being", you are essentially declaring that you are ready to own fully who you are, take responsibility for your life, and allow no other to have control over you on any level in any form without your express permission. This enacts your Superpower as a sovereign being because now you are fully aware and conscious of who you truly are and of the power you hold. This act of declaration which you may have to do each day until you fully own it as a fact is what is needed at this time by each one of us if we wish to take bac...