The Dawn of a New Age Part II, Becoming the New You

This new world that is in the beginning stages of emergence will require us to be stronger and more courageous, loving heartfelt, compassionate human beings than we have been. It is requiring that we focus more on other than self and that we evolve into our next evolution of humans.  If we are to usher in this new age, we must be ready to be an example of what we want to see in this new world.

 This takes a willingness to face our own projection of fear, doubt, powerlessness, our old identification with the old world that is on its way out. Transformation is not always easy, but it can be easier if we each are willing to commit to our own evolution and reconnect with our True Nature as Source.  By doing this you will begin to awaken as if from a deep sleep, and in a way, we have all been asleep to our own authentic power for decades if not hundreds of years.  Once you begin to reclaim the sovereign self you will regain a sense of freedom in how you think and what choices you make.

 You may no longer go along with the status quo, be distracted by current affairs or circumstances, or feel the need to listen to the news or the media.  You also might begin to feel more present and, in your body, and more fully connected to the Source of your own being, Gaia and to all of life. This upgrade in your energy and awareness may even evolve over time into someone who is centered, calm, and remains more neutral toward everything and everyone.

This new version of you is actually the truest sense of yourself because of the fall of humanity where we were literally dumbed down and programmed to a slave-like mentality, we became disconnected from the Source of our own being, and we forgot our own magnificence allowing our slave self to take over and to give away our most precious gift of ourselves.

You may be wondering how you can begin to make these changes and for some this may be something that is new for you. Having spent many years in clearing and healing myself  can say that there are newer ways available at this time that can accelerate your healing process and help you to access more of your True Nature in a shorter amount of time.

As we continue to unplug from this old reality and paradigm that is crumbling and which will eventually be replaced by a new way of living and being, you may feel disoriented, confused, and afraid for the future. You may feel uncertain about what to do or how to be.  That is why I have included below some wonderful resources that I have personally worked with, for you to explore. Many of these people provide information on ascension, clearing old patterns, the up-leveling of your own vibration and will help you to feel more centered, grounded and stable within your own being.

Some Resources for Support and Assistance

One person I highly recommend is someone I have been working with, and Jacqueline Hobbs.  She has a unique energy frequency that she was born with and just by listening to her and/or signing up for a purification session with her in a group or alone, your own connection to Source will increase. She works entirely by donation which is part of establishing the new paradigm around money. I have found working with her to be highly beneficial.

Lisa Renee at  is also someone who teaches about Ascension and what it means. She offers online courses and many Mp3 recordings to choose from on a variety of subjects.  I personally have used the Victim Victimizer and Money and Enslave Programming and found them to be very powerful guided meditations. You can read all about her on her website.

Sandra Walters is another ascension teacher and she offers online programs as well as free resources. I found her work and blogs to be very helpful and have listened to her meditations. is her site for classes.
Camille Moritz is another powerful person to have sessions with if you want to work privately. She also has classes online regarding the ascension process.

I am also an ascension coach and teacher of awakening, and I offer Akashic Record consultations coupled with spiritual counseling. It would be an honor to work with you in supporting your evolution at this time.


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