Claim Your Superpower Now

What does it mean to be truly a sovereign person?  You may have noticed that this seems to be the new buzz word but do you really know what this means? Webster's has several definitions for this word but there are two I have chosen that seems to fit here.

  • The quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority.
  • Rightful status, independence, or prerogative.
With sovereignty comes responsibility for when you say, "I am a sovereign being", you are essentially declaring that you are ready to own fully who you are, take responsibility for your life, and allow no other to have control over you on any level in any form without your express permission.  This enacts your Superpower as a sovereign being because now you are fully aware and conscious of who you truly are and of the power you hold. This act of declaration which you may have to do each day until you fully own it as a fact is what is needed at this time by each one of us if we wish to take back the power we gave away to others whether it be willingly or unwillingly. 

We are currently facing one of the most crucial times in our history.  The question so aptly put by Shakespeare in Hamlet may be fitting here as well, "To be or not to be"?  What will you choose?  Continued enslavement by an elite group of beings who do not hold your highest good in mind, or total freedom where each of us has equal power to choose and create the kind of world we wish to live in now. 

 Will you choose to use your Superpower or not? With sovereignty comes the responsibility not only to yourself but to others as well, since each one of us makes up the collective mind and so as each one of us declares our own personal sovereignty we also are declaring it for the collective.  That is why it is important to ask yourself some deeper questions at this time.  Especially over these next 14 days until the Solstice on 12.21.20.  
  1. Where are you putting your attention?
  2.  What do you hold most dear?  
  3. What are you willing to give up? 
  4. Where do you stand when push comes to shove and you have to choose to make a clear decision about which world you wish to live in.  The old or the new?  
Since each of us make-up the collective field of consciousness, with our own perceptions and realities, it is important to ask these questions and to decide where you stand and what you stand for?   This is how your act of declaring your sovereignty becomes your Superpower and as you begin to engage with this new power you will develop the courage, strength, the conviction needed to face the challenges that you are now being given.  

Imagine what could happen if all of us right now enacted our Superpower of Sovereignty right now.  Imagine what we could all accomplish and how our oppressors would relinquish their hold over us because when you declare your own power no one can ever have power over you.

So, I invite you today to take a few moments to answer the questions I have asked in this article, and if you find that you are ready to stand up and own your Superpower of Soveriengty declare it boldly and with certainty knowing that as you do this for yourself you are also contributing to the collective consciousness of all and so assisting all in the vibration that is needed to anchor in the new world that is waiting for us to claim.

Invite others to do this too. Each of us can support our friends, family, and even people we don't know that well in remembering who they really are and how to claim their sovereign power.

Luminessa Enjara offers a Free Discovery call to explore how she can assist you in your process of Ascension


  1. This is clear and powerful and should be spread far and wide. Interesting, I was motivated to write a blog post today also which is another take on this same theme.


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