How to Stay Calm & Reclaim Your Power During the Coronavirus Pandemic

I wanted to offer some support at this time and decided to write something that was in part my own and in part borrowed by other people's suggestions.

"The Coronavirus pandemic can be viewed as a problem, but if you perceive it ONLY as a problem and not a possibility, then you miss your opportunity to see the benefits that come out of any difficult situation.  This is not to minimize the pain and fear that people are feeling about an uncertain future, but we are being given an opportunity to choose where and what we put our attention on.  Do you choose to focus on the news or on the outpouring of kindness, support, and gifts being offered every day from so many people?

If you choose a response that is calm and collected, you become the eye of the hurricane and in this space, you tell the Universe the quality of abundance you desire in the future and it has no choice but to match that resonance.

We now have the opportunity for greater self-care and greater self-reflection, which, when we are super-busy, aren't priorities for the grand majority. One of the best things you can "do" while at home is to practice Stillness.  

Maybe this pandemic is YOUR opportunity to do some deep healing work, deep personal introspection...and maybe some gentle detox (and release a few pounds!). Look for the possibilities, not just the problems.  Be Here Now. " - Karen Kan

The most important thing you can do right now is to stay calm and self-nurture, offer support to others, meditate and go deep within your own being to connect with your TRUE NATURE as Source.  This is so you can begin to sense your True Identity as the Quantum Field of all possibilities, God/Goddess, Source or whatever you choose to call it.  Now is the perfect time to Reboot, Relax and Rebirth yourself.  Now is the time to reclaim your power from where ever you may have left it knowingly or unknowingly.  

A few things you can do to reclaim your power:

Say out loud, "I call my power back where ever I may have left it. I reclaim it now. I give back any power that is not mine in loving-kindness."

Reclaim your sovereignty and any permission you may have given willingly or unwillingly to anyone even those that are not always visible as we do live on a multi-dimensional planet. Say,

 "Through the power of the one heart in me, I am a free sovereign being with direct access to source energy. I am an eternal soul in a temporary human form. I am an unlimited being with unlimited potential. Through the Law of One,  I claim and take back all my intended birthrights. I claim and take back all my intended power as a Free-Will co-creator Being. In this awareness, I am the only authority of me, my body and my life. I claim and take back my body as my own. I am the only one that resides in my body now. "

There is more to this but for now saying just this is very powerful.

Question everything, Don't except what you read on the internet or hear on the news.  Not all of it is real or true.  Develop your own inner sensing and way to verify what is and is not true for you. 

I am available for private session work to assist you in your awakening via Skype or Zoom and would love to support you if I can.  I teach meditation, non-dual teachings and ascension teachings.  Akashic Record consultations, connecting to your Higher Self and I Am presence, developing your inner sensitivity, spiritual mentoring and counseling and psychospiritual work with inner archetypes, trauma release and more.  Feel free to email me if you have any questions.  

  You can contact me at or message me on my FB page  


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