2020 a Year of Change and Transformation

2020 has started off with a huge momentous bang that promises to be even more intense as the year unfolds.

Firstly, we are now in a universal 4 year. 4 is the number of work -- of getting it done and 2 the number of teamwork and collaboration.

The number 4 is also determination and making plans. So when we enter a 4 year, we are allowed to lay the groundwork for our future selves, and possibly create a better world. We can begin to build a strong foundation and lay the ground for a sustainable future.

This year is also bringing us a huge opportunity for anyone who identifies with being a way-shower, lightworker or who is dedicated to awakening, the opportunity to step-it-up and actualize yourself as the living master you truly are.

 Astrologically, Saturn and Pluto align every 34-38 years, but it has been several hundred years last time they aligned in Capricorn which is happening now.  It represents the death of many old established institutions, money systems and in politics. The darkness of injustice, bigotry, corruption and all forms of slavery will continue to be revealed. People will be regaining more and more of their power and taking action. The old systems must fall apart for the new paradigm to take hold.

On a more personal level, this is an opportunity for you to shed the skins of your old self and your old perceptions and to recalibrate and reset your energy field and vibration to the highest level that you can attain. To go after your dream and begin to live it.

Here are some suggestions to help you do just that in the months ahead:

1. Create a daily practice of meditation that allows you to still your mind and connect with your True Self as Creator Source.

2. Learn how to bring your heart and brain into coherence and to maintain it for long periods of time so that your vibration can stay in a high frequency to bring your vibration up.

3. Relax and breathe whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed or stressed out. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth to change your state and quiet the sympathetic nervous system.

4. Bring yourself into full mental, emotional, energetic, physical and spiritual alignment so that you can be more stable, calm and non-reactive.

5. Be willing to learn how to have radical trust in Life itself or the quantum field, and knowing that it is always supporting you for your highest good, no matter what it may look like outside.

6. Take time out at least once a week or more to be in nature with your feet on the earth. If you can earth yourself daily by standing 10-15 minutes on the earth, grass, etc. that would be highly beneficial.

7. Learn how to love and accept all aspects of yourself including the parts you most wish to disown. When you truly love those parts that you have feared or denied and bring them home to yourself you will begin to feel more integrated and whole.

Remember that you are the master of your own destiny and a co-creator of your life. You have the ability to change your personality, your thinking, your habits, and your life. You are a quantum being and all that is needed is to learn the skills and develop the discipline to mak
e those changes you wish to see.

If you would like to have more support in some of these areas please contact me at   soulmentorcoach@gmail.com.


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