Finding Your Inner Strength to Meet the Challenges of Today


We are being challenged today in ways that we never thought possible. Our world has been turned upside down, and many of the institutions, and systems that we have counted on and believed in as part of our reality are crumbling before our eyes. For most this is a terrifying and confusing time with no real sign that it will let up anytime soon. But for others, this time is an opportunity to forge ahead in creating a new world that is built upon new systems that truly are by the people and for the people.

The question of how we will face these challenges both personally and collectively is something I have been pondering for the past few days. One thing I know for sure is that whatever vibration or resonance I am living in will attract the same and so I can only count on myself as to how I meet these new and almost daunting challenges.

Wherever your vibration, or consciousness is at any given time is how you will respond to any given situation or person. That is why connecting to our deeper more expanded self, our essential self is so crucial at this time.

Responding rather than reacting, loving, and accepting rather than hating and judging one another is so important right now for all of us. But how can you practice these things when you feel disconnected from your true nature or self? How can you feel this unconditional love for another when you do not feel the connection to yourself?

For thousands of years the saints and gurus of many ancient cultures have been speaking of this vast, spacious awareness, but only a relatively low percentage of the population has been able to actually understand, connect or have a direct experience of this expanded sense of self because the majority of people have allowed themselves to over-identify with the roles we play and their egos rather than who they truly are.

Without a direct experience and a conscious awareness of your personal connection with your True Nature, the Quantum Field, Source, and the stillness that is ever present within and without, it can be very hard to trust that you are supported by Life and that you also have the ability and the strength to meet what may be coming in the near future.

This conscious contact with our own Self that is unlimited pure potential, all-knowing and wise, allows us to have a direct feeling and knowing that we are totally supported by Life. I call this frequency pure love.

This power is not just based on what we have personally accomplished or how we identify ourselves on a personal level, but rather on what we are capable of accomplishing as our True unlimited self. It requires a willingness to take a chance to take risks that we may not know the outcome of. It requires us to trust in something beyond our personal self, which is also part of who we are in the larger context of our nature.

You can call this the Quantum Field or Higher Power or Divine Intelligence or whatever name you choose to call it, but in order for us to meet what’s ahead for us as a society both personally and collectively we are being asked to go beyond our personal identities, our fears and doubts, and to discover what is beyond that.

Sometimes religion does offer this type of connection, but most religions offer an old-world paradigm that tells us to pray to someone outside of ourselves to save us. Thus, taking the power of our True Self away and giving it to a personification of a god or goddess outside of yourself.

Why is It so Important to Connect with Your Essential Self?

Why it is so important for all of us to begin to connect with our expanded sense of Self, is so that more of us right now begin to anchor ourselves in the direct knowing of who we truly are as pure awareness in a body expressing our potential to be unlimited and have mastery with every area of our life.

This means seeing the big picture beyond what is being shown or told to you by outside sources in the media. How we choose to face our challenges whether they be large or small depends on how we feel connected to ourselves and our power.

Without this connection, you will continue on feeling helpless, victim, and at times overwhelmed with the circumstances that are beginning to affect us all currently and in the near future. Our innate power lies within ourselves and it is important for us to learn to rely on this connection rather than look outside of ourselves, whether that be the government, politicians, or institutions.

How you do this is really very simple but it takes commitment and a strong desire to break free from the false ideas of who you think you are, an ego mind, to who you really are.

I have in other blog articles listed ways in which you can begin to connect with the stillness within and develop a very concrete connection with it



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