At the Crossroads of Humanity


The Transhumanist movement is becoming more evident every day. The age of AI is here but at what cost?  It seems harmless enough to be used as an adjunct to our human brain. To help us with papers, articles and writing, etc. Of course AI at this level can be very useful and it may appear as something that we absolutely can't live without.  Afterall, our phones use AI and computers use search engines. It all seems harmless enough, and the creators of AI are counting on our thinking just that.  

They are grooming us to become dependent on something artificial to do our thinking for us. Once this has become the norm then another level is introduced to the populace that will not be so harmless. As our world continues to transform and the old paradigm crumble, each of us need to be aware of the dangers of AI as well as of it's benefits.  Are we the masters or the servants?

We are at a crossroads in humanity. Two timelines are evolving one which is about the evolving organically and our connection to Source and the other evolving into a technocracy connected to machines. 

Maybe, you have always resonated with the idea that being human does not mean being limited and small, flawed as we have been told for the past 200,000 years. This old story about humanity seeped into all religious doctrine in one way or another. Being human was to be vulnerable, small, flawed, and incapable of going beyond our physical limitations.

Science has now seen evidence dating back 200,000 years showing that we were highly capable beings already with what we might call today superhuman abilities. Then someone or some other life form intervened with us and altered our DNA which changed our genetics so that we began to live within the new framework of limitations that that intervention and change created for our biology.

The ‘old world’ view of the Darwinian theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest is what our world has been based upon and it is the viewpoint and this story that the movement called, Transhumanism is all about.
 Those scientists, technology engineers such as Google’s head engineer, and others feel that being human is messy, relationships are messy, emotions are messy and our bodies are not capable of self-healing, they are limited. So, the natural order of things is to create a better human that is more AI than human. 

The long-term end goal is that what makes us human, our ability to feel emotions, think for ourselves, create, express, connect to nature, and to each other in an intimate and heartfelt way is not needed, it limits us and therefore should be eliminated.

Those that feel we need to be controlled by one large brain, the Borg so to speak, are only just trying to copy what we as Divine humans are already able to do. They are only trying to mimic our human brain which when developed allows us to be the superhumans we were always meant to be. 

The only way to save humanity is to control it and to create superhumans that are not really human but robots with some human capabilities. Transhumanism is a movement that is here to stay as trillions of dollars have already been spent on the development of its technology. 

The new science that has also been evolving such as quantum physics proving that our human brain has unlimited potential when we learn how to tap into it so that we can heal our bodies, create new realities, and live in our full potential the way we were originally created before the intervention.  T
his new science that has been discovered in the past decade and there are  more new facts to support a different theory of how we developed, and evolved. 

This new science is not shared on any mainstream news outlet or in our schools or books. But it is here to stay, and it has a growing movement behind it, with scientists and social transformers and people like you and me who know this feels right.

People like Dr. Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden have been teaching for years that when we can more easily than we think to master our thoughts, lift our vibration, and create a new self, along with new realities that we wish to live with simple techniques that truly work.

Dr. Joe Dispenza has collected thousands of hours of data that prove we have the ability to bring ourselves in high states of awareness and to sustain them. He successfully demystifies the old spiritual models of mysticism that often made us believe we had to take years to learn how to do these things and shows us how we can train ourselves to become masters of our reality now. How by staying connected to universal intelligence or the Unified Field, training ourselves to be heart-brain coherent, and aware of our interconnectedness, aligned with nature that we can right now become the superhuman beings we were always meant to be.

This is not to say that AI can’t be used consciously and for the betterment of humankind if used in medicine or to solve some of the issues that need resolving but the question remains as to who is using it, and for what reasons.

What is at stake here for all of humanity is to choose which path we wish to take. Do we, you wish to believe in the old science and beliefs that to be human is to be limited and flawed or do we, you wish to align with the new science that shows us that we are not limited or flawed but rather capable of so much more than we have been told.

What is being called for is to educate ourselves about both sides and to have discussions as to the long-term ramifications of the use of AI merged with biology, to be open-minded, and to have the freedom to choose for ourselves how we wish to live in the world.

Right now, many of the Transhumanist movement want to make that choice for you and for me. They believe that we are not capable of making this choice for ourselves. They feel that their way is the only way and in fact, all other ways of thinking are not being allowed to surface to the main populace. This is a dangerous game as the more we depend upon technology and especially our children the less we use our brain and so what is not used fades away over time. Each of us has the obligation to ourselves to find out what we feel is right for us and our world.

We Are Being Called

This is a time that is calling each of us to stand up and take responsibility for the kind of world we wish to see develop for our future. It is part of the process to learn how to speak up for what we do want and say no to what we don’t.

William F. Buckley said that society will never bring about change by fighting what we don’t want. He recommended that we just bring to the forefront the changes we do want. Let the public know about the options and possible solutions and focus on that and that only. Then over time, the old ways will collapse on their own. I believe that this is a very wise course to take since we all know that anything we resist will persist.

We each have a decision to make. We can choose to stand for our humanity and to begin to live as our highest version of ourselves and to know that we are capable of great things and that as humans we have the ability to right now become more attuned with our supernatural selves. 

 We can begin to live as that person and radiate the joy of pure being to all and feel our connection with everyone and everything. This in itself could cause a ripple effect because radiant love and happiness are extremely attractive to others. When people see you being who you truly are they will want to know how they can also begin to feel that way. Then change can happen by just being our amazing powerful and loving selves.


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