The dictionary definition says the word empowerment means: 

1). To give power or authority to; authorize, especially by legal or official means: 2). to enable or permit. En or In means power. To give power, authority to someone or something.

But for me, this word conveys more than this simple definition It says  to feel powerful from within. to feel strong, confident, wholly powerful. It truly describes the feminine way of  power.

The Culture We Live In

In the world we live in today, women and girls are being sexualized and objectified as sex objects at earlier and earlier ages. 

 Girls begin to mimick the Brittny Spears's, Hannah Montana's of the T.V. and music world. as early as age 3. They don't really know what they are doing but nevertheless they are doing it. Shaking their little booties and bumping and grinding. 

 As they grow and begin to mature into young girls they are exposed to yet more sex on MTV, in ads, in magazines, on the internet and in movies. As they enter into their teen years sex is no longer the mystery it once was. Girls who have been exposed to sex since they were 4, are at age 14 having oral sex with girls and boys, desring sexual intercourse, dressing to feel sexy and hot to boys. 

 The only images that the majority of girls have ever seen are of women that portray themselves as sex kittens, hot  bad ass girls, sexual playthings for men, or sex objects. As a result the message they have internalized is that to be cool or hot which translates into powerful in girl world, equals being pretty, thin, sexually appealing to boys and to be popular. Some of this you might be thinking is normal for a teen at that time in their life. But 20 years ago it wasn't the norm, in fact what changed the playing field was the new technological age and the onslaught of music videos. 

The women's liberation movement that introduced in the 60's the word "empowerment" to women, is practically all but non-exsistant today. So the question I am exploring here is, 

"What does an empowered girl or woman look and feel like?"

What is Feminine Power?

Our essential feminine power comes from our core, our sexual centre, our yoni or vulva. For men it resides in the hara or dantien, the solar plexis. The most potent force that women have is our shakti. Our primal life force, sexual creative energy. The energy that gives birth, destroys, is chaotic and firece. This force resides in all of us, but for women it is what in many ways defines us.

It is this primal energy from our sex centre, the second chakra, (that point just above the pelvic bone) that enables us to create life, to be wild and free as well as docile, harmonious and calm.

  "Our sexual energy is our true feminine power as it is here that the creation of life begins and the mystery of our body is held."

Our sexual energy is alluring, enticing, it fascinates, radiates and attracts both men and women. When a woman is fully embodying her sexual essence, she is her most empowered self. She walks with the grace of one who is confident, centred, serene, present, sensual and fully in her body. She is not afraid of her sexual energy or of the power this energy has over other people. She does not apologize for being a sexual being nor does she flaunt her sexuality. She understands her power comes from within herself and is able to use it wisely, with compassion and integrity.

Since she no longer needs to manipulate or control with her sexual energy or survive on it, she can be authentically herself, her full embodied goddess self. She is proud of her womanliness, her yoni her breasts her hips her belly and all of her curves. She revels in her body and loves all of it no matter what shape it is. She begins to THRIVE in her sexual essence and power.

It is from this place that she creates and offers her gifts, and it is from this place that she partners with man. A woman who is fully living in her feminine power is naturally radiant, receptive, yet strong from within herself. This woman lives in you and me and I invite you to discover her.

How Can You Become a More Empowered Girl or Woman?

The first thing that you can do, is learn how to appreciate yourself the way you are. This may sound like a tall order, but it isn't. Afterall, you came into this world with a body of a goddess. Yes, you came into this world with the body of a Goddess. I say goddess because each of us is an aspect of the Divine Feminine, and as such we were born as individual expressions of the Goddess, The Creatrix of life, Gaia, the Mother, Maiden and Wise Woman.

To begin to appreicate your goddess nature and your who you are as a girl or woman you can:

  • Begin to explore how you have viewed what it means to be a powerful women. An empowered woman for yourself. Look at magazine images, and take the time to define where you are and where you wish to go. Write in your journal your impressions of how some of the women in your favorite shows are portrayed.
  •  Create a picture board of yourself as a little girl, teen, young woman, who you are now and of different images of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine that you resonate with in each stage of your life. Put words to it, add texture or paint it, gloss it, let your artistic nature flow.
  • Take time to read more about your Herstory. What is the origin  of the story of the Goddess and Divine Feminine  Your heritage as a woman or girl.
  • Learn about which aspects of the goddess that you would most like to be like. There are over 5,000 names of the Goddess from around the world. 
  • Once you have that aspect, create an altar that has images, statues, anything that represents that aspect for you. Use your altar daily and sit in front of it. Call that aspect into yourself. (An example is Diana the Huntress, get pictures of her, find out all you can about her and begin to own her qualities as yours.)  You can dance her in, sing her in, create a poem or just chant her name and qualities and own them as yours.
  • Get together with friends and create a support group for yourselves that meet in person or by phone as often as you like to explore what being an empowered girl is andhow you have begun to emody those qualities. Tell each other what you like about each other, what strengths you see in them. Or if you are an adult woman, create a Yoni Speak Group which is a group of 4 or more women who support each other in becomeing reconnected to the voice within their most sacred part of their body, their yoni, Share stories,speak from that place when you get together and hold space for your women friends.
  •  Make a mask of what an empowered woman would look like for you. Create sacred space and invite a friend or do this in your group. Have a friend make a mold of your face and you do one of hers. Then sit in silence for a short time and ask yourself what would an empowered image of you look likie. Let this answer come not from your head but from your womb and heart. Then go all out and decorate the mask any way you feel inspired to do so. 
These are just a few ways that you can begin to embody what an empowered girl or woman feels like. Please feel free to comment and let me know if you try any of these suggestions and what the results were.

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