A few months ago, I went to a local production of Eve Ensler's, I Am An Emotional Creator, the Secret Life of Girls. I went with my God daughter and her parents. I had already heard  Eve speak on this topic on Ted Talks, Embrace Your Inner Girl, (see video above). She spoke about the essentials on the status of women who have been traumatize for being a woman or female throughout the world. She spoke of her book "I Am an Emotional Creature, the Secret Life of Girls," which speaks of how our "inner girl cell" that both men and women have inside of us, has been oppressed, killed by living in a male dominated world  for thousands of years. And, as a result we have created a world in which being born a girl is one of the worst things that you could be.

Of course I already knew these facts and have been aware of the status of girls and women in this culture for decades. I have done many hours of research on this very issue. My own “mission” is to enlighten women on not only this very topic, but also the lie of “original sin” that women have carried as a burden for over 10,000 years. This lie has been drummed into our cells and handed down from grandmother to mother and mother to daughter generation after generation. My work is to enlighten women about this lie and to support them in letting go of these lies at a cellular level. And to re-write this very old story so that it reflects the Truth about being a girl. Women must acknowledge what is so for themselves in their lives, then in the lives of their daughters, friends and community. We must be willing to heal, clear and make the changes for ourselves, and to support all of the girls and women in our lives to do the same. When you decide to tell the truth to yourself about what it means to oppress your own girl self, your powerful woman self, then you become the one who steps forward and become the example for others who like you have not been able to take a stand for the feminine or for being whole and healthy women/people. You become a light for all of womanhood to see and applaud.

Men too have been affected by this view that has been held in place about women and girls. Men have been taught to not be like “girls” above all else. In the military the lowest thing a man can be called is a “girl. Being a man means not to be a girl, not to show your emotions, not to feel, not to show compassion, not have a heart, and most of all not to take anything personally. These qualities are not just feminine qualities they are human qualities that are here for all of us to develop and embrace. And without them we lose our sense of humanity.

When we rape the planet of her minerals and destroy her ecosystems without feeling any emotion, or pollute the air with our chemicals and show little or no remorse, or when we feel no connection to our planet or to the violence we see on T.V., we see the results of how the oppression of women and girls and the feminine determines the fate of our world for this is the cause of our time.

So I asked myself, why is it that being a woman is so powerful that the men in power have needed to keep them in their place for over 10,000 years? Was it because this power of the feminine was so enormous that men feared it might oppress them? Or perhaps they became jealous of this power and because they could not give birth to life decided to turn the tables and take the power away from women. There are many theories on why the world is as it is.

"We sell girls and women, rape them, use them as ashtrays, abuse them, keep them illiterate, enslave them and kill them as embryos. We are so accustomed to robbing girls of being the subject of their lives, that we have objectified them into being commodities. The selling of girls is rampant throughout the world and in many parts of the world they are considered to be of less value than goats and cows.” ~ Eve Ensler

I believe along with Eve, that the state and condition of girls, and the girl within me and you, will determine whether the species survives. For you see women and girls aren’t the problem they are the solution.

The time for a new way of being in the world as a woman has come. It is a time when we are no longer willing to stand by and say or do nothing; we are now ready to show up in our full, powerful and truly amazing Girl-Self. The strong, passionate, creative and energetic feminine is on the rise and she is calling all of us to stand up and lead the way. This new feminine energy teaches women how to thrive with their sexual power which is their ability to create life, and to be whole an integrated women. Women who are proud to be a woman and who no longer fear their own sexual power, their authentic feminine power.  It also supports men in being whole and allowed to develop healthy expressions of their feelings and to be more integrated. To honor the feminine, their girl self, and by doing so they honor women and nature and all of life.

  This active, passionate, firece feminine is what Eve Ensler spoke of when she shared the stories of a few young women who met with courage the oppression they saw in their lives and did something about it. When you are willing to take on your girl self, to live her and to let her show up fully in her power, to set her free no matter what your circumstances might be, whether you be a man or a woman, then you can begin to shift the old paradigm and create a new one that embraces this new strong feminine energy in all of us.


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