The Power of a Woman's Body

 Did you know that for the past two-plus thousand years women have been molded by a false narrative about their authentic feminine power?  The truth about our feminine power is that it resides within us as our sexuality and our sex.  

This power that all women have which has been distorted, denied, and falsified by the male dominator culture in which we live has caused us to believe that our innate value is based on our outer beauty, and sexual appeal to others, especially men, rather than on our intellect, wit, unique gifts, and talents.

Our innate sexual power lies in the fact that we can give birth to another human being, that within our womb lies a magnetic force this energy within our womb, yoni, punani, or pussy is so powerful that when consciously channeled and focused it can be used to heal, give tremendous pleasure, manifest and create anything that we might desire.  This power we hold has been feared by mankind because of its magnetic pull and attraction. A woman's body, shape, and form are part of this allure and attraction to men, and mankind.  

It is crucial if a woman wishes to fully embody her power specifically her authentic feminine power that she first heal the core wound that all women hold regarding their sexuality and sexual power.  This is a fact that I have personally seen and witnessed as a teacher of women's sexuality.  All women share this wound because we all have been living in a male-dominated culture under a patriarchal rule and because the Divine Feminine has been distorted to fit that culture's agenda. 

This feeling that so many women hold inside of themselves of not feeling worthy, of feeling ashamed of their body, no matter what it looks like, and the constant pressure to compare themselves to other women has caused us to feel disconnected from our core power and afraid to fully embody it. Because our sexuality has been so objectified by the culture we live in we have internalized all of the propaganda bout ourselves and our sexuality.

The only way that we can give ourselves the gift of knowing and experiencing our full authentic sexual power is to fall in love with our body and all of its' parts to such a degree that we truly feel comfortable with them and with our natural sexual allure.  I use the word allure because it says that we have a special kind of magnetism that only women can have which is true. 

"A woman’s true power is in her ability to know herself as an independent being expressing her feminine nature. She respects herself and her body, she knows her own worth. Her power lies in her ability to be at ease and comfortable in her own body and with her sexual power.

When a woman can contain her feminine power, her sexuality from within she is then fully in her true power as a woman."  

A Few Things You Can Do Now to Reconnect with Your
 Authentic Feminine Power 

1.  One of the first ways you can have a deeper connection with your authentic sexual power is by having a conversation with your yoni, which I like to call Yoni Speak. Just by having the intention to commune with this most sacred part of your body and putting your attention on your vulva and womb, you will connect. You can ask her any question and you will hear an answer if you are open.     

2   Mirror Gazing - Take a mirror and become acquainted with your Sacred Portal or pussy. Many women have never even seen their yoni and many think she is ugly. If you have never seen her up close and personal create a special time to do so. You may be surprised at what you see.

3.   another great way is to write in your journal all the beliefs that you have taken on or internalized about your body and being a sexy woman. Don't censor anything. Just let it flow and release it onto the page.  Then, take those statements and write an opposite or a reverse of each belief into a more life-enhancing or positive statement and say it out loud.  As you do this cross out the old negative statement. 

If you are ready to reclaim all of your feminine power and begin to heal and love yourself fully, I invite you to a special 3-Day Sacred Portal Retreat in Occidental, CA Sept. 20-22nd. For more information about this transformational event please go to 


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