Unlocking Your Highest Timeline

Change yourself and you change the world. We have all heard this before but what does it mean? Think about where you are on your journey because your inner state shapes your timeline. From a quantum perspective, time doesn’t exist—it is a concept we’ve created. All moments happen simultaneously. 

You can only change your life by working on your perceptions and energy field. This involves doing your inner work, facing your shadows, and healing deep wounds. As you heal, you transform your timeline and impact the collective timeline.

To change the world, start by changing yourself. Your vibration is crucial, now more than ever. If you want to see a different world, examine the frequency you’re emitting. What are you putting your attention on? Where are you focusing your energy?  

If you feel like a victim, for example, how can you begin to unwind that program to heal and free yourself? That's your starting point. We are all made of electromagnetic energy and light. When your vibration is low, your light is dim, and you’ll attract similar low frequencies. The Law of Attraction is just that. It reflects back the energy or frequency you are emitting consciously or unconsciously. Your vibration is stabilized when you have cleared out the old traumas and programming of your past and have fully brought yourself into a state of balance.

What you perceive in life is influenced by the energy you broadcast, physically and energetically. It’s all about your inner journey and commitment to doing the inner work necessary to build your light quotient. To ascend this is necessary since the process of Ascension is spiritual, energetic, and physical.  It requires the development of mastery over your emotional, mental, energetic, and physical bodies. This may sound like a lot and it isn't for the faint of heart or for everyone to do all of this. But if you can just start by focusing on your personal growth and healing then you are on the right track.

So, focus on your inner work and ask yourself, “What message or energy am I sending out? What frequency am I emitting in the world?” Does it align with your soul's purpose and true heart, or is your ego mind in control? Question yourself and start your transformation from within. You are reading this article because you are ready to take the next step in your ascension process.

Ascension is about raising your personal frequency and light quotient, which also lifts the collective vibration. Remember, you are a part of the greater whole, a fractal of the collective field. This is a unique time in history where the entire collective is ascending along with the planet.  That is why it is so important for each individual to do their own healing work and begin to awaken themselves to their True Nature.  If each person does this with a deep commitment to their own ascension, then the collective field's vibration would rise as well and reflect a world in kind.

If you wish to live in a New World you must be in that world now and begin to live on that timeline now.


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