2024 the Year of Choice Point


Every New Year has a unique theme and for me, 2024 will be a momentous year for everyone.  2024 is the year of choice point for us all. It will be the year we choose which path we wish to follow personally and globally.  

We always have a choice no matter what else you may think, Our lives are made up of the choices we have made and our future the choices we will make.  How you feel and think about yourself, others and the world affects you on an emotional and physical level and will impact you accordingly.

 It also contributes to the collective energy and thus it will have an impact on everyone. Your intentions and feelings, your words and actions do have an impact and they do make a difference.  

This coming year may have many challenges to face, which may also present some hard choices we need to make. We already are experiencing dissonance and polarization amongst our families, friends, states, and nations. The path you choose to follow be it the path of harmony, peace, and unification, or more dissonance, separation, and autocracy, will decide which world you wish to live in.

You may have heard the term timeline used in the past year. But what does this mean to choose between the timelines? What I know is that we are right now coexisting on two timelines with a third one emerging. One is that of a world that learns to live in harmony with all nations and peoples, the other is one of continued chaos, suffering, war, and domination. Where you put your attention and focus is what will manifest in your life and your world. Your power lies in where you put your attention.

There are many distractions in the world at the moment.  The wars going on, politics, our societal infrastructure breaking down, our economy breaking down and so much more. Our attention is being pulled this way and that and you may get lost in the overwhelm of it all.  Things that are very important to decide about our world and for your life, may get lost in the chaos.  So it is vitally important that each of us take the time to stop, to think, and to make conscious choices that are for the betterment of all people and of course for ourselves.

In the communities I choose to align with, we see the bifurcation of timelines becoming even stronger this year.  What this means is a separation of the two timelines I mentioned earlier, becomes even more evident.  There are the humanists who believe in the organic way of life continuing to unfold and develop, and the transhumanists who believe that machines and people must merge to survive. There are those people who think the old way of doing things can be fixed with technology and those who know it has to fall apart so that new structures and our natural organic intelligence and evolution can emerge even more strongly. 

The decision you choose to make will impact not only yourself but it will either add to the energy of a world that is focused on unifying all, one that supports life and nature, or one that supports a technocratic world of machines interfaced with people who can no longer think for themselves or even have choices to make.  A world that is for me very dark, bleak, and dystopian.

Our very existence is at stake here. The Earth is organic and evolves just as we do.  Consciousness, or the Unified Field, is everywhere and in everyone. The Earth, Gaia is also a conscious being and she is evolving into a higher vibration just as we do. You can choose to move into a higher vibration or not.  Whichever you choose will determine where you live literally either on a 3D planet, material and dense as we are now, or a 5D planet one that is evolving into a lighter more unified state of consciousness. All versions of our planet will exist simultaneously. Those living from Christ consciousness and love will just be vibrating at a higher frequency than those that are not and so they will not be seen.

What this means is that each of us has only one choice to make as we begin this new year. I say one choice because, for me, there is only one big choice that will determine which world you choose to live in and where we will put our attention. Are you ready for a world that is truly based on love and unification where with all life wherever it may be or not?   A world without war, hunger, suffering, illness, or poverty, a world where all human beings have the opportunity to evolve into the Divine Human they were intended to evolve into and to use all of their divine or as some say superhuman gifts.

Or do you choose whether consciously or in absentia a world that worships technology and continues to offer only pain, suffering, illness, struggle, war, death, poverty, and servitude to a small autocratic group of individuals? 

Whichever path or timeline you affiliate with, focus on, and choose will be the reality you create for yourself.  This is a simple fact of how the universe responds. Where you put your attention is amplified.  

I invite you this year, to take all the time you need to think things through and feel into your heart, and before choosing to accept something as fact, or to go a certain way, give yourself the time to feel into the choices being presented to you. We are all at the choice point and that means that each of us has a responsibility this year to be thoughtful with all of our choices, especially with those that will determine which world we wish to create. 


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