The Power of Discernment

What does it mean to be discerning and how can you develop this trait?

Much of what you see or hear is not always based on fact or truth but rather on personal opinion, hearsay, or something that has been altered. Since this has become more prevalent these days, learning how to be discerning and use your critical thinking is very important.  So how can you learn to develop discernment as to what you read, see, or hear in the media or social media or from friends and family?

 Even when you are listening to someone who is a channel and they are channeling this master or that angel, how do you know who is real or what the truth is?  It seems like it has become increasingly more difficult to be able to know for sure what is Real and what is Fake.

How to Develop Your Discernment

I want to share a few ways that you can develop your ability to discern for yourself what is true or not. The first thing I found important, is learning how to come into a state of neutrality. When you are balanced within yourself, when you feel centered, and strong like a tree rooted into the Earth, when you feel a deep connection to Source and are calm, and neutral, then discernment is easy.

When you are in this state you can easily feel what is true or false to you. In a place of inner strength, you can watch, read, or hear someone and feel the vibration of the words being said. Do they lift you up, or do they cause you to feel dense energy?  This is not referring to hearing about tragedies that are happening in the world, but rather it is a feeling of density or like a weight in your gut sometimes, a heaviness that just feels off.  

  • Understanding the importance of vibration. Lower vibrational words are actually felt when you begin to be aware of them.  All words have a vibration, words of Truth, love, and compassion or of a true heart, feel very different than words of fear, manipulation, or anger. 
  •  Another way to learn this skill is to have a strong connection with your inner self, your I Am presence, or higher self, to actually have a heart-felt connection that you trust absolutely.  To do this sometimes it is good to have a coach spiritual guide, but you can also learn how to connect in other ways if those options are not available to you. Discernment is something you can develop with practice.
  • I have found that learning how to meditate and practicing this daily or even twice a day for 15 minutes is a good way to begin to feel more connected to your inner self, and your divine nature. Quantum Physics has been exploring and shifting how we relate to our universe proving that we all live in a connected web of life, an intelligence called the Unified Field. This not only surrounds us but lives in us and expresses us individually.  So you and I are in fact an aspect of the Unified Field the all-encompassing web of life that is composed of unlimited possibilities.  
  • When you meditate and learn how to slow your mind down, access Alpha waves, and step out of the small me, or as I say your egoic identity, then you begin to feel more calm, relaxed, and spacious. The boundaries of your limited self dissolve and you begin to sense no self which as you practice more and more can also lead you to feel that you are all things, as well as nothing.  Paradoxical yes, but that is how life usually is.
  • Meditation also offers you a way to connect with your True Nature your higher self and to have a sense of something greater than the small me that is you. Your ability to feel more centered and grounded becomes easier and easier the more you can practice meditation. This helps you to be able to develop discernment. When you are more centered you can easily discern what is right for you or not, true or false.  

  •  You learn how to discern by cultivating your intuition, or your gut feeling about something. We often make fun of people who say they are intuitive, but this is a power we all have. Intuition can save your life sometimes or support you in making the right decision Everyone of us has intuition, but we need to learn how to cultivate it so that we can trust ourselves.

Trusting yourself is very important and trusting that your discernment and intuition are guiding you to the right decision is crucial especially now. Most of us doubt ourselves but learning how to know from within ourselves, to trust that part of you that is of the highest vibration as your True Self is paramount at this time.  Once you cultivate this knowing and develop trust in yourSelf, as well as trusting Source or Divine Intelligence, the Unified Field or God whatever name you choose to call that energy of pure love you will be on the way to using your discernment in your life with ease.

Again, I am available for sessions by Zoom or phone if you need support in any of these things, you can go to my website


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