Reclaiming the Lost Parts of Your Feminine Soul

Women's sexual power has been under fire for thousands of years and the feminine soul dismembered. This has happened not only to us individually, but to us collectively. The soul of the feminine is both personal and part of the collective since what we feel about the feminine personally is what makes up the collective field. 

Once these ideas of the feminine are accepted by the people they become the norm. and once the male-dominator culture was in place the former world based on feminine values was replaced by the patriarchy.

How Did This Happen?

About 3,000 thousand years ago there was a shift in power that took place from a culture that was Mother Goddess based to one that was becoming based on a Father God. Essentially, when the male-dominator culture and the patriarchy began to overtake the world and the Judeo-Christian patriarchs purposefully crafted a new creation story.

  The role of women was rewritten to show that all women were subservient to men who were superior beings because they created life.  The original Goddess-based creation story was one where Lilith the First Woman was partners with Adam and they were both created from the Earth.  Lilith was also considered the Mother of Creation as all living beings are born of woman. It was changed to the story we have now of Lilith being cast out of Eden and becoming a demoness, Eve being born of Adam's rib and becoming his helpmate but soon to be blamed for the downfall of all humanity.

The men of that time wanted power over the people. The best way to get this power was to change the stories and the mythology of the culture that they wished to control. So these men gave power to a male God, who could create life, was all-powerful, and to be feared. 

 Gradually over time, maybe hundreds of years after each generation was born, the stories of the mother goddess and how she created life and was the source of life, were changed to fit this agenda and accepted by the people. 

 These powerful men wanted to make sure that the Goddess no longer stood as the primary giver of all life, and that she no longer could influence the people.  Women who were the physical representation of the Goddess had to also have their power and rights limited and later taken away as well. This was the beginning of the dismemberment of the collective feminine soul which is still happening even today.  

The feminine soul has been purposefully chipped away at by powerful men of each era, whether for political gain, or religious or economic control.   The one thing that all of these men feared and many men still fear is a woman's authentic feminine power, her sexual power. Women's sexual charisma and power were just "too hot to handle".

 Before this era of male domination the Goddess and women were held in high esteem and men and women worked together as partners.  Women's sexual power was natural and honored.  

What is Authentic Feminine Power?

When I speak of a woman's authentic feminine power I am speaking about her sexual power of your sexual power.   Women by nature of their biology have a power that men can never have. That power is to create life as well as their natural sexual charisma.  Beyond these two basic issues, a woman's full sexual power includes not only the power of her sex, but the power of her intellect, her love,  her courage, her wrath, her wildness, and her sovereignty. And so,  to control women and limit their influence over men who could easily be distracted, a culture of misogyny and rape was created to last thousands of years. 

 Our authentic feminine power also lies in our ability to know our bodies as sacred and holy. To reclaim our body as our own to do with as we choose, when we choose. Our power lies in knowing that we are sovereign a whole unto ourselves, and in our ability to take back our role as the sexual iniaitress. This was always the role of women to initiate men into the sacred sensual arts of love.  Women were always the teachers of the arts of love because they understood the power of their shakti and sexual energy. But with the demise of the Mother Goddess as the Creatress of life, women no longer had power over their own sexuality.

 Reclaiming our feminine soul also means that we reclaim the story of Eve and the blame put upon all women for the downfall of humanity.  Reclaiming our innocence must start with each individual. Each woman must decide for herself that she is innocent, that her body is the temple of the Goddess, and that her sex is divine. Her nature is not to serve man but to partner with him to co-create a world where women are seen once again as the emissaries of the divine feminine and men of the divine masculine.

When you reclaim the innocence of your body, the sacredness of your sex, and your sovereignty, you restore the feminine back to its original state of purity and potency. You begin to reconnect with your essential feminine power and rewrite the story of Eve for all women. 

How You Can Reclaim Your Feminine Soul

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your life journey, experiences, and how you've come to perceive your own femininity. Consider what aspects of your feminine self you feel are lost or disconnected.
  2. Connect With Friends: If you have girlfriends or other women in your life you can talk with them and begin to share some ideas about what parts of your feminine soul, your sexual innocence, and power you have given away.
  3.  Embrace Vulnerability: Reclaiming lost parts of yourself often involves confronting past wounds and emotions. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and process any suppressed feelings or traumas. Give yourself the time to do this deeper inner work.
  4. Learning About the Mythology of  Goddess: Understanding your Herstory based on the authentic mythology of the goddess, as well as the different aspects of the goddess of love will give you a deeper understanding of the Divine Feminine. Open to learning more about the Goddesses of Love,  and which ones you most identify with. Begin to embody those aspects in your daily life. 
  5. Create a Ceremony:  You can alone or with others create a ceremony or ritual that allows you to reclaim the parts of yourself that you gave away in your relationships, or that were taken from you.  All sexual abuse or even misogynistic behavior toward you. There are many ways to create a ritual that can be very powerful in helping you to heal and reclaim your authentic feminine power.
  6. Celebrate Yourself: Nurture yourself in a variety of ways. Celebrate being a woman with a beautiful sexy and sensual body. Find new ways to have fun and express yourself.
  7. Take a Course or do a Workshop: There are a variety of courses and workshops about the goddess and I offer a FREE monthly call that can get you started on your healing journey to embodying your authentic feminine power.  You can begin your journey by receiving my Living Goddess Guide

Remember that you have the power to change your story to reweave the story of Eve and her fall for all women everywhere when you do your personal work.  Each of us can make a difference in shifting the current male-dominator paradigm by reclaiming the lost parts of our feminine soul.  

This is a golden opportunity as we are living in unprecedented times of change.  The old patriarchal system is collapsing and now is the time for us to rally together to do this work individually and for the collective.

I also offer a one-day workshop Reclaiming Your Feminine Soul periodically, Please sign up for my monthly newsletter Yoni Speak to find out about my training, classes, and workshops.


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