Are You Ready to Shift Your Reality?

One of the things I do daily is reconnect with my personal power, sovereignty, and mastery over my life.  I have developed a daily morning practice that includes various meditations and grounding techniques that allow me to set the tone of my day, what I wish to create for my day, and how I wish to show up.  I am raising my vibration when I do my practices and really shifting whatever vibration I may have woken up with that isn't supporting the highest version of myself.  I am creating a new reality and disengaging from the old one.

I share this with you because it is time to choose whether you wish to pretend that everything is ok as it is, to act like the world isn't really changing and not necessarily for the better. It is time to decide which timeline you wish to live on.  

The word timeline has been used quite a bit lately, In the quantum field, there are infinite possibilities and timelines to choose from or realities. Every time you make a choice that choice puts you on one trajectory over another.  We do this all the time. The difference is that now your decisions have a greater impact on your future and the future of our world than ever before. The time has come for each of us to become very conscious of our choices in life, To take charge of our realities, and to become the conscious creator of them.  

When you make the decision to take charge of your life. To do whatever it will take to make the changes you wish to see in yourself, to raise your vibration so that you are a living embodiment of your highest self and living in a world you wish to live in moment to moment then you will be aligning with the timeline you wish to live in. It may sound simple, but it isn't since there is work to be done to transform yourself to become more aware of what is holding you back from being the best version of yourself and living the best version of life that you can imagine for yourself.

So here are a few ways that you can begin to take charge of your life, and begin to learn how to master your reality. 

1. Set a specific time when you can be in a quiet space uninterrupted to meditate. This is crucial at this time to have time every day in which you can connect with inner stillness, your higher self. This is the period that we are going through. This is the time to let go of your old patterns, beliefs, attitudes, and ways that you have seen yourself, and begin to let go of your old sense of self.   

If you have not meditated before I recommend Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations which you can find on his website or even on YouTube. Even if you are a seasoned meditator his meditations can help you to focus your awareness and teach you how to master more of your life.  I am also available to support his process and you can connect with me via my website, (see below).

2. Practice moment-to-moment being aware of your patterns of limitation that have run you and when an old pattern comes up, old emotions that are limiting or not in alignment with your new self, stop and change your energy. Remember how you felt as the new you. Recall the feelings and bring them into your being again.  As you learn how to cultivate your inner witness that watches and sees everything, your True Nature, you will be able to notice when you are in reactivity or an old pattern of thinking and behaving. This is a practice that requires your steadfast commitment to changing the old habits of being yourself.

3.  Be gentle and compassionate with yourself always. Even when you find you have been in an old pattern or habit once again. Rather than judge yourself, take a deep breath, let go of self-criticism, and relax into love.  Yes, love is not just an emotion. It is an active energy that is what makes up this beautiful universe.  Be self-nurturing and understanding and allow yourself to know that you can always begin again. 

4. Practice daily gratitude for everything even the challenges. of daily life. You may not be able to control these, but you can control your reactions and responses. Learn how to be more neutral and use all your challenges as a way them to grow and learn from.  Cultivate neutrality from within yourself.  Rather than resist something that shows up, relax, and let go of the resistance, then allow your intuition or your gut feelings to guide the way to your next step whatever that might be.  You are retraining yourself on how to be the master of your reality.

During these times when there is so much change and the world outside is breaking down and it seems that everything, we hold dear is falling away, your reclaiming your personal power over your reality is crucial.  Each time you take charge of your life you help the collective field to shift into a new frequency that lifts us all. Each person's energy makes a difference. Your energy and vibration do matter and right now it is very important to take charge of your own energy and vibration.  

We can no longer go about business as usual.  You choose which way you wish to live, as a servant and slave to a small group of people who wish to control our future or to take back your power and create a world of love and empowerment for all. 


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