Part 2 of The New Feminine Rising


The time has come to reclaim your authentic feminine power and with this comes a new vibration of how we use this power.  Today, women are still taught to use their sexuality as a commodity. To sell it or their body for material security. We are still shown that a woman's value is based on her sexual appeal to men.  Yes, some changes have occurred over the past few decades but overall things haven't really changed that much.  What is needed is a radical shift from this old, tired, male dominator paradigm.  

So how do you rise up into this new vibration of the feminine?  

 Below are a few suggestions on how you can begin to align more with this new vibration.

  • The first step is to begin to love your body, and especially your vulva, yoni, punani, or pussy.  Yes, these are the names of our sacred portal. Women were told that our sex was the evil of all mankind and that our "private parts" were not our own but belonged to our husband, They were not to be touched, seen, or appreciated and so we internalized these ideas and they were passed down from generation to generation.
  • Begin to do self-love and body-love practices several times a week. Enjoy getting to know your innate beauty, and your physical attributes. You can do bath ceremonies for yourself with candles and essential oils. You can create self-loving rituals such as eye-gazing with yourself in a mirror or anointing your body with essential oils and praising it.  Reclaim your body as sacred.
  • Look for new archetypes of the feminine such as Lilith the First Woman. This is a different version of Lilith than the patriarchial story we were told about her. Lilith is the original first woman who gave birth to humankind. She embodies her full sexual power, she is sovereign unto herself and she is also nurturing as the mother of humanity and the world.  She provides a pathway for all women to embrace a new frequency and vibration for a new paradigm of women's sexuality and femininity.  (for more information
  • Begin to use your authentic voice and learn how to ask for what you want in a conscious way. Speak your truth. Women were told not to speak up they were told what to do and how to behave. When it comes to asking for what we want for ourselves we need to retrain ourselves. So start with little things at first and learn how to be bolder as you go along. Especially in your intimate relationships.
This new paradigm of women's sexual empowerment starts with each of us individually at first and then it spreads out into the collective field.  The change we wish to see in our world starts with us.  The New Earth is here already but we must embody the vibration to be able to live in it now. Our personal vibration must rise and as it does we are then able to embody this new feminine frequency and anchor it into the collective field.

I invite you to join me and a growing community of women in my monthly call by receiving my Living Goddess Guide, Redefining Your Erotic Sense of Self at  


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