The Transformational Power of Love

What is love?  We think we understand what this word means but do we really?  I know that over the past decade I have allowed myself to open to a deeper meaning of what love truly is.  We say the word love for almost everything that we like. I love ice cream or I love swimming and I love you.  

What if love was something different than what we believed it to be? What if love was a more tangible substance that is part of the very fabric of our universe? What if love was a powerful energy that we feel within our hearts and something that we could learn to direct with a focused intention?

I know for a fact that love in its purest sense is not limited to just a feeling, but a substance that is made up of adamantine particles and light.  I have seen with my inner sight the web that is around us all of the time and it is made of particles of love. Love is pure consciousness.

Pure love in its most true form is actually an organic substance.  When I first heard this, I did not understand how love could be a living thing, because in our culture we reduce love to a chemical attraction, something that can be a powerful feeling but not a viable living substance. I love you can be a meaningful statement that you say to someone. But depending upon the context in which you say it, and to whom you say it, it makes all the difference.  But the feeling of love itself is palpable.  Love even as an emotional response is very much a living frequency that we are attuned to because we were originally designed to know that our very molecules consist of this substance called love.

We are living in one of the most transformational times in humanity. What is needed now, is to wake up to who we truly are and to live our lives with a deeper understanding of love and how to use it to transform ourselves and our world.  

Many years ago I read the book Love Without End, written by Glenda Green who is an artist that had a direct encounter with Jeshua. He appeared before her one day while she was painting and he asked her to paint a portrait of him. Of course, there is more to this story, but one of the things she learned during her sessions with him, was about the power of love and its relationship to something called Adamantine Particles.

She explains from a quantum perspective the relationship between the energy of love and its effects on adamantine particles. Adamantine particles represent a continuous flow of high-frequency potential, which manifests into discrete forms and arrangements under the command of love. In other words, when love is present, there is a free exchange of these particles, which creates a dynamic interaction between all living beings. 

"When you direct the flow of love with your intention and focus miracles happen."

Love and Adamantine Particles

Adamantine particles require power to build other particles and atoms. However, only one other type of energy is compatible with them. This energy is the magnetic power of love, which pervades the universe in the form of the Universal Life force, or chi. ki, prana, etc. Love is not only a most beautiful feeling but is the power that ignites and directs adamantine particles into manifestation. Adamantine particles are the building blocks of all structures in the universe.  They make up the structures in our bodies and our entire physical form.

Love is then an organic substance that when used with a focused intent will charge the adamantine particles of the universe and bring what we have intended into direct creation. There is an ongoing exchange of these particles throughout existence. They not only comprise organic life, but also the planet, the wind, and every substance that is. Everything breathes for the whole of its duration. Inhaling and exhaling, these particles bring vital balance and connections to life. 

So in any given instance or situation rather than just sending out love you can become more effective by knowing how to focus your energy and have a direct intention.  They are totally obedient to love’s commands and respond only to love. They are drawn to love like metal filings to a magnet and, like metal filings do when the magnet is removed, adamantine particles dissemble form when love is not present to draw them in. But when you activate them and command their function they become highly charged and magnetic.   

 So when you understand this relationship between these particles and the energy of love you can then learn how to direct the flow of the energy of love that you feel in a more conscious way.  Not just by sending love out without a direction but rather by sending love with a focused intention to a person, place, or situation.  This is how love then becomes a healing force that transforms wherever it is directed.  When you send love in this way to a friend, or family member or to help a crisis or difficult situation the power of your intention and focus of the love you are feeling to support them to heal or feel better or shift the energy of the situation or circumstance.

I have often thought that if a million people or even a few hundred thousand all at the same time focused their intention on stopping war, or creating world peace, these things would be eradicated very quickly. That is how powerful love is.  The power of love is that strong.

That is why opening yourself to love,  letting down the walls around your heart, and being willing to let love in even if you have suffered heartbreak.  Allowing yourself to open again to unconditional love, and practicing putting love first in everything you do. This one thing is the most important thing you can do to heal yourself and to become more aligned with the Unified Field and with your Higher Self.

 So I invite you during this holiday season to begin to open your heart even more than you have and to be willing to see yourself through new eyes as a lover of life, a lover of yourself, and a lover of humanity.   I invite you to choose love over judgment, hate, comparison, and competition.  Choose love over pain and suffering and allow this most powerful energy to break your heart open so that you can live a life filled with love


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