Ascension Tips for Everyday Living

I have written before about the Ascension process but today I want to offer an excerpt from one of my dear friends' newest E-Book Ascension Tips, a Simple Blueprint for Your Ascension Journey, by Debra Guisti.  There are many people right now who speak about this but few who really understand what it means and why we are right now as a collective being asked to take this huge leap into a new way of being personally and globally.

I found Debra's definition of the Ascension process to be clear and concise and easy to understand for those who may not be as familiar with that word.  Again, this process is something we are all undergoing whether we choose to believe it is happening or not. It is part of the organic evolution of the planet as well as of the people who live upon it.  Planets are living beings and they evolve just as humans were meant to evolve. Because we are not separate from the Earth we experience much of what the Earth or Gaia experiences but in more subtle ways.  I hope that you will have a better understanding of what Ascension is as well as a few guidelines to assist you on your journey. I am only excerpting a small part of Debra's book in the blog.

Excerpted from Ascension Tips by Debra Guisti

"Ascension is the accelerated spiritual process presently taking place within all planetary lifeforms during this cosmic evolutionary cycle. It is a step-by-step process initiated through a spiritual awakening and results in up-leveling you into higher dimensional existence and Quantum Consciousness Reality. 

As you ascend into higher dimensional experiences, the holographic quantum field opens an array of infinite possibilities and potential outcomes. Through the gradual healing and clearing of dense trauma, ancestral patterning, and activation of the light body, you evolve into higher 5th-dimensional frequencies, cultivate a clear connection with your higher self, and experience deep Soul Embodiment.

 The outcome is living and manifesting from a state of Oneness. 2020 began a time of rapid transition, initiating the Age of Aquarius, a time of accelerated personal and Planetary Ascension. We are experiencing continued and unprecedented planetary shifts and tremendous upheavals in society that generate mass exposure to hidden truths and have triggered a global healing crisis. It is a time of mass revelation, as all dysfunction is coming to the surface to be revealed and healed. The transfiguration happens internally - within our psyches/realities - and externally - in the outer world. 

 As the global collective consciousness awakens, and we rise higher together, activating more heart openings, the world feels the call to transform dysfunctional hierarchical power systems and transmute ego-driven behavioral patterns. This healing wave supports personal and planetary awakening while connecting humanity on a physical and spiritual level, unlike any other time in human history. We are rapidly transitioning towards Planetary Ascension. More than ever, humanity is embracing multidimensional realities, utilizing our intuitive/psychic abilities, activating and spreading the frequency of Love through daily spiritual practice and conscious lifestyles, demonstrating vital steps in the current Ascension process. " 

"The Awakening is different for every person, and every journey is unique and special. The Awakening is defined by a moment or period when you wake up within what you consider your “normal life” with thoughts and realizations suggesting that what you previously knew and understood may not be all there is to life. An internal shift occurs within the left brain, the analytical mind controlling your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. You begin to observe your daily reality. You are consciously watching your ego self and human life from a higher perspective. The veils thin between the physical and spiritual realms.

 Mindfulness is your awareness of what is happening in the present moment, detached, neutral, and without judgment. You become the Observer of your daily life. The Awakening inspires an understanding of reality beyond what you have previously considered. An inner knowing develops, a growing curiosity, and eventually a fiery passion for understanding what is outside all that you now perceive as “the box that you live in.” The box consists of your current Core Belief Systems. These Belief Systems contain previous teachings about how the world operates and define your experience of the world." 

This process of awakening may happen over time, even years or you may have an instantaneous mystical experience that is so deeply felt that it transforms your perceptions of what Reality is. This process will continue to unfold for us both individually and collectively. The more information you have the easier time you will have in understanding it and in your personal unfoldment of this very unique and powerful journey.

The following are tips to support your initial awakening process. The book Ascension Tips will be available soon if you choose to own a copy for yourself.  If you have comments or questions please leave a comment here on the blog post page.


1. FULLY EMBRACE YOUR AWAKENING– Something life-altering, electric, synchronistic, or purposeful happens in your life to inspire an “Awakening.” 

2. CULTIVATE PASSION FOR YOUR AWAKENING – From the core of your being, cultivate a deep commitment to your spiritual evolution and soul purpose in all areas of your life.

 3. RECOGNIZE YOUR AWAKENING AS YOUR OWN PERSONAL, UNIQUE JOURNEY – Your Higher Self will be the tour guide directing you on your path. 

4. BE PREPARED FOR A COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION IN YOUR LIFE– Step into a complete overhaul in every area of your life and reality to better reflect Soul Truth and support Soul Empowerment. 

5. BECOME AWARE THAT YOU ARE A MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING, AND WE ARE ALL ONE - Realize that everything is energy and you are connected to everything in the unified field. 

6. PRIORITIZE LIVING AS A MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING – Connect with and experience living in all four energy bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, as well as your higher spiritual bodies. 

. UTILIZE NATURE & MOTHER EARTH AS A SPIRITUAL TEACHER AND HEALER – Connect intimately, commune with, and ground into Nature and Gaia regularly, as she can rejuvenate, heal and inspire.

 8. CULTIVATE AN ONGOING, DAILY MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL PRACTICE – Commit to daily meditation for the rest of your life to quiet the mental chatter, focus inward, breathe deeply, center in the Now Moment and enhance spiritual connection. 

9. TAKE ONGOING STEPS TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION – with every breath, thought, action, and experience. 

10. PAY ATTENTION TO SIGNS AND SYNCHRONICITIES APPEARING IN YOUR LIFE – As the Observer, recognize life’s synchronicities as incoming messages, road signs, and breadcrumbs to follow on your journey. 

11. ANALYZE YOUR DREAMS FOR HIGHER SYMBOLS, INFORMATION, AND GUIDANCE – Your dreams are messages from your Higher Self. 

12. BE OPEN TO DOWNLOADS & VISIONS – The Universe, Higher Self, and spirit guides are here to inform and support you (if you are open to it). 

13. EMBRACE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS ON YOUR ASCENSION JOURNEY WITH COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE – Everything that happens, whether it appears to be “good or bad,” happens for a reason and potentially offers gifts, messages, or warning signs guiding you to shift and redirect your path. 


15. UPHOLD THE HIGHEST ASCENSION ATTITUDE: GRATITUDE! When we are grateful for the blessings in life, we stay in a high frequency and can manifest more and more.

 16. CULTIVATE FORGIVENESS AND COMPASSION IN EVERY PART OF YOUR LIFE – Deep healing of Core Wounds enables the gradual release of resentment and negativity held in your being. As the heart heals, you develop a deep well of compassion that you can resource for any person or circumstance. 

17. DEVELOP AND SUSTAIN COMPLETE SELF-LOVE – Before you can fully love others, your life, and the universe, you must cultivate a more profound love for yourself and your Divine Self. 

18. LIVE FULLY IN YOUR ENTHUSIASM, BUT DO NOT TRY TO CONVERT PEOPLE TO YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM – Living in the frequency of joy, compassion, and conscious actions will support others in their Awakening process. 


 20. JOURNEY TO SACRED SITES FOR DEEP SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES – These influential sites can accelerate your Ascension process on all levels. 

21. LEARN APPROPRIATE TECHNIQUES TO DEVELOP CLEAR CONNECTIONS WITH ASCENDED MASTERS, ANGELIC GUIDES, AND YOUR STAR FAMILY – The higher realms are accessible more than ever right now to support your Ascension process. Avoid opening your field to false tricksters in the 4D astral plane. 

22. CULTIVATE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR EVERYTHING as a consistent state of being – The “LOVE FREQUENCY” is the highest octave of unity consciousness. Love is the bottom line.

If you have comments or questions please leave them here and if you would like support on your ascension journey please go to my website:


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