Ascension Practices for Everyday Living

For the past several years the word Ascension has become more commonplace than ever before.  This word is not a new one, it has been around for hundreds of years. It has been used to describe beings who have at one time lived as a man or a woman, and then through many practices of purification and self-mastery have transformed their physical body into their light-body, and ascend with it into the 5th dimension and beyond. This is what the term Ascension meant for many hundreds of years.  

The ascension process took great dedication and vigilance on the part of the person who desired to ascend. A teacher was required and usually appeared to those in earnest, and this teacher was often St. Germain who is a living Ascended Master. He appeared to many in a tangible form in this reality and taught the teachings of the I AM and gifted humanity the Violet Fire of Transmutation and Forgiveness. 

 To become an Ascended Master one had to learn how to embody their own I AM presence and Christ consciousness. They were required to do many spiritual practices daily, as well as to lift their vibration while living in the world.  They were instructed in how to connect with their own I AM presence and other Ascended Masters, and in how to use I AM decrees. They were taught the basic fundamentals of metaphysical principles and how to integrate these principles into their life.  They were required to demonstrate their abilities as a master in the world and to always practice living their life as Divine Love.  They were taught to live in the 5th-dimensional consciousness while still living in a 3D world.

Today, the meaning of Ascension has changed. It no longer refers to a person learning how to access their light body in order to leave the planet, but rather that we first connect with our I AM Self, sometimes called your Higher Self, and then through spiritual practice and dedication to serving that Self we are able to overtime access our Light Body and live here on Earth as the Ascended Masters that we originally were.  The new human is really the Ascended human. 

So if you are reading this article then you may be ready to begin focusing on your own Ascension process. This is something all of us are being asked to do at this time whether we are aware of it or not. Our Ascension is happening as the Earth Ascension process is happening, and we can choose to consciously Ascend with her or not.

As our world continues to transition out of the old paradigm of enslavement, patriarchy, and male domination, and the old systems of control collapse we are being offered a golden opportunity to rise up and reclaim our spiritual sovereignty as the living I AM presence. This is the time we have been waiting for but it is up to us to be brave enough to answer the call.

"We're at a pivotal moment in human history, where the soul is being forged in the crucible of great change. Such change never comes easy, you have to step out of your comfort zone in order to break into new expansions. What's currently happening in the world is an invitation to reclaim soul sovereignty, direction, purpose, and destiny." ~ Openhand Approach

The following are some suggestions to begin practicing Ascension in your everyday living. 

  • Establish a daily spiritual practice in the morning to set up the tone of your day.  This can start with 30 minutes of clearing your energy first as needed or more.  Then do focused meditation and set the tone of your day with conscious intention.  You can listen to a meditation your like or create your own. 
  • Learn how to clear your energy and set up a field of protection daily with a variety of tools, One of the most powerful tools you can use is the Violet Flame of Transmutation, ( this link will lead you to a page full of sites to explore).  I use this daily in my own practice and you can too. Just Google it and you will get a variety of ways to utilize this powerful cleaning process. I am also offering a FREE class this month on Learn It Live on how to use tools for protection.
  •  Synchronize your heart and brain to create a more harmonious way of being. Heart brain synchronization was discovered by the Heart Math Institute many years ago.  They discovered that the heart had more brain cells than the actual brain and when one learned how to connect the heart with the brain simply through aligning positive strong emotions such as gratitude, the whole body would go into resonance and deep relaxation.  To find out how to do this just Google it.
  • Establish a daily meditation practice. This was already mentioned but just in case you don't know how to meditate it is very important to develop mental discipline and meditation is a wonderful way to learn how to do this.  There are many people who teach meditation techniques and by doing a little bit of research you can find one that you resonate with.  You can easily teach yourself or find an online class if you wish.
  • Connect with your higher self and learn how to be able to discern what energies are coming through you Develop a relationship with this aspect of yourselfSince you want to be able to embody your higher self connecting with it is crucial.   I teach a basic course online at Learn It Live on how to connect with your Higher Self or I AM Self as well as how to safely channel for yourself.  
  • Understand the power of your words.  Most people don't even give a thought to what they say to themselves. Scientists have estimated that we have 80,000 thoughts per day and 2,000-3000 thoughts per hour.  Most of these thoughts are repetitive and often negative.  The power of your word is immeasurable.  When you say something you put out a vibration and that vibration goes into the Unified Field, which will reflect back to you what you say.  What you say you are, you become.  Becoming more aware of what you say to yourself and others is part of self-mastery.  Keep a notepad write down all the things you say for a while and you will begin to be more aware of what you are saying.
  • Don't be afraid to look at your shadow and begin to do the deeper shadow work. This is something you cannot avoid if you really wish to Ascend.  Spirituality\ is not just about feeling good. To become more masterful in your life and to be in more alignment with your Higher Self, doing the inner work to heal your trauma is fundamental on a true spiritual path. You can not become self-realized or Ascend if you are stuck in the past, or afraid to look at your darker side. We all have a shadow and facing it is part of the Ascension path.
These are just a few of the things you can begin to do right away if you are serious about your own Ascension process.  Be prepared for the journey to take time though. be aware of where you wish to go, but it is not a destination to cling to.  Rather, it is something that over time builds within you on a daily basis.

If you wish to have support in your Ascension process I offer Ascension coaching and mentoring as well as teach classes at Learn It Live.  Please feel free to email me at  

My website for Ascension Coaching and Spiritual Mentoring is Heart and Soul Mentoring,


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