Living From Presence

Have you ever longed to just be? To just allow life to unfold and open to the infinite intelligence that you are? To know yourself as the stillness that is everywhere in and around you?

For the past two months, I have been going deeper into this exploration and learning how to embody "being" A time to just lie fallow and allow myself to let go of even more of who I thought I was. To discover some of those beliefs you hold about yourself that you thought you let go of, no longer identified with and then discovered they were still running your life.

This process of dying to the old person you have been and then being reborn without attaching yourself to another role, an idea or a belief about yourself takes a true commitment to your process of awakening.

For me, this process began in my twenties as a life-long journey of getting to know mySelf. To be the master of my own life and to live as Presence. This desire has been my soul's purpose and learning how to manifest from this place has been my soul's life lesson.

Being creative is my natural gift. I have always found it easy to develop new programs or have inspiring ideas. The actual consistent effort it takes to make something viable has been a challenge as often I would become a human doing and forget to relax and let my being be my guide. To create from heart and mind coherence, feeling the feeling of having what I say I want right now. Mastering my own limitations by being the Presence in each moment. Letting go of my identity and all of its many facets can take a moment, years or a lifetime.

But living as Presence is also creating from being or so Eckhart Tolle says. To cultivate living as the Presence, the stillness that is our essential nature is to offer a healing presence to everyone we connect with. To live as Presence is to be in alignment with consciousness and to allow life to flow through you. Letting go moment to moment of any need to attach yourself to another role, the idea of who you think you are. To notice, watch and be the witness of whatever comes up for you, then gracefully choose not to follow the thoughts that take you away from focusing on the stillness that you are.

It is to trust life which is to say you go beyond trusting people, places, and things. You feel and believe in your heart that the power that lives through you and is everywhere knows the way and all you need to do is to cultivate relaxed alertness. When you live as Presence you are connected to your body and it's aliveness. Living as Presence allows you to respond from the intelligence that is your essential nature and to let that be the guide for your life. The mind will continue to chatter but all we need to do is not to follow the thoughts that arise and to return back to the silence that lives in us.

I have discovered for myself that even though I have been on a spiritual path for over 30 years I am still learning how to create from being. I am just beginning to have a quiet mind and to actually be intentionally more present in my life and allow Presence to show up.

Some of the Things You Can Do to Cultivate Presence

  • Meditate for an hour or more until you feel your mind is relaxed and you begin to feel spacious. When this starts to happen, you will feel your personal identity, the me, dissolve some which may feel strange at first, but it can also feel very freeing. If you are new to meditation, then start with 15 minutes twice a day until you can sit for an hour in quiet.
  • During your meditations after you have become spacious or in brain coherence begin to bring your heart into coherence by breathing in high vibrational emotions such as gratitude, appreciation or love. There have been many studies that show how important it is to have brain and heart coherence bring will activate your parasympathetic nervous system and help your sympathetic nervous system to be calmer.
  • It is during this state that you can create from Presence because when you are in this state you are connected to Source or pure consciousness. There are many ways you can learn to create from this state of being. I suggest that you check out some videos by Dr. Joe Dispenza or any of his students or if you would like to work with me, I would be happy to teach you how to create from being.

  • Once you have practiced attaining a state of brain and heart coherence during meditation you can practice attaining it when you are going about your day Focus on the silence within and without. When you begin to feel your mind or emotions wander bring your attention back to the silence or your breath. Train yourself to stay in the present moment as much as you can. It will take some time, but you will eventually notice you are doing that more and more.

Cultivating Presence requires noticing your thoughts, your reactivity, learning how to accept what is and becoming more present to the ever-present stillness that is you. When your attention is on the ever-present silence you are and that is all around you, you will begin to unwind more and more and begin to relax from the inside out thus emanating this healing vibration to everyone and everything.

If you are interested in learning more about meditation, developing presence and/or desire to have a spiritual guide, counselor and teacher to help you with your spiritual practice please contact me at You can also go to my website for more information on my akashic counseling sessions.


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