The Lost Art of Seduction

What makes a woman her most alluring? Is it her brains, beauty, wit, charm or sex appeal? What are the elements that create feminine sexual empowerment?

Some might say that for a woman to be sexually empowered she must be experienced. Others might say she must know how to be charming and have great sexual charisma, but true female sexual empowerment includes all of this and more.

The truth is that what makes a woman truly powerful and what makes her sexually empowered is not as different as you may think.  One of the primary keys to being a powerful woman is learning how to use her natural goddess-given gifts and talents. Those things that make her, you, the funniest, smartest, or wittiest, and to learn how to cultivate these talents and attributes whether they be beauty, wit, brains, sex appeal, or all of the above. Betsy Prioleau author of the book, Seductress, Women Who Ravished the World and Their Lost Art of Love, tells us that the archetype of the seductress has been given a bad rap. "She has been villainized as the terrible goddess {who} rules over desire and seduction, a bloodthirsty ball breaker like Salome and Circe, and the antithesis of virtuous femininity."

Throughout history, there have been women who have indeed taken their God/dess talents and ravished the world in which they lived. Without these sex goddesses, we would not have known what true female sexual empowerment looked like, felt like, or acted like.

What made these women different from the rest of the women of their time? Many lived during eras where women had no choices of any kind, no education, or way to earn a living other than what was dictated to her by the male politics of the time. Why were these women unafraid to step out of the mold and dare to be true to themselves? By understanding this we can learn how we can do the same today. Dressing sexy or having a lot of sexual experience doesn't give you true sexual empowerment although it may give you self-confidence.

It is what our current western culture would like us to believe but it falls short in describing and demonstrating what authentic feminine sexual empowerment is. I say sexual, because, women are sexual by design. They, we, can't help but be sexual or be seen in relation to sex because of our biology. All women have a womb, breasts and have for thousands of years during the reign of the Great Goddess, been seen as the Creatress of all life. In the ancient religions of the Goddess men and women have envisioned goddesses of sexuality and worshipped them. The ever-present symbol of that is the yoni or triangle.

Women today need a new roadmap to learn how to become more. This new roadmap can be found through the study of seductresses both old and new as well as in specifically designed programs such as The New Feminine Mystique, a Pathway to Your Sexual Wholeness. (to find out more about this program contact me at

Women today have the advantage that many of these women did not have. Today we have permission to explore our sexuality, to dress with a flare that expresses our own sense of style, we are independent, self-supporting, and have more sexual experience than our predecessors were ever allowed. Learning how to embody and integrate a few more of the essential arts of seduction is not such a far stretch if it will round out what we already know and assist us in stepping more fully into our authentic feminine sexual power.

The Art of Seduction

"The Sirens of old knew that to be a woman who understood the art of seduction you had to first be true to your own self.  They were brave, courageous and weren't afraid to break the rules." ~ Betsy Prioleau

10 Things You Can Do To  Embrace the Art of Seduction

  • Love and appreciate who you are and your unique qualities. When you approve of yourself and feel comfortable with yourself others find that very appealing and it can act like catnip.
  • Nothing is more attractive than a lust for life. Your life force is a potent perfume so let your own shakti fire burn.
  • Honor your body and your sex. Be sexually autonomous and enjoy your own company as much as you enjoy others.
  • If you love sex, take the time to learn the sacred sensual arts, tweak your repertoire, and try on new things. Nothing is sexier than a self-confident woman.
  • Don't be afraid to update, change, or just create a new look for yourself on a regular basis. Adornment has always been part of the allure. Change is a good thing and once you have a new look don't be afraid to show it off.
  • Creating a romantic, exciting, sacred, or another type of environment is an art so do take the time to learn it if you don't know how already. 
  • Cultivate the art of being a great listener. Study compassionate communication. Men and people in general just want to be heard.
  • Learn the art of flirting. There are many ways to engage in a flirtatious encounter. Find out what ways you feel most comfortable with and practice them.
  • Learn how to appreciate the man or woman you are with. When in doubt appreciate, appreciate, appreciate.
  • Settle for nothing and demand that life gives you the best in relationships, love, and life. 


  1. Thank you for the sharing such information with us. Tara Galeano, founder of Rediscovering My Body and Boulder Sex Therapy, is an Author, Speaker, Retreat Host, and Sexual Empowerment coach who has worked with women for over two decades to get their sexy back.


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