Become a Change Maker

In the current "Me Too" climate, change is in the air, but the question I wish to pose is what kind of change are we desiring to see? Are we really ready for the changes we are asking for and do we know what it will take to accomplish them? Raising the public awareness about sexual assault,  rape, sexual objectification of women and the consequences that women have had to face for centuries, as a result, is just the tip of the iceberg.  

To really affect a change we need to keep these issues at the forefront of everyone's mind and begin to actually implement some solutions. True lasting change has to come from a shift in consciousness first and from there taking action. 

I recently was listening to a radio show where a media specialist was commenting on the sudden shift in advertising since "Me Too" has taken off.  She said that on the surface it seems like sex sells, but in reality after testing overtly sexual ads and ads that are not, the ads that are using women and sex to sell a product do more poorly.  She said that sex actually distracts the buyer from the product and so many companies are now shifting the focus of their ads to not be so overtly sexual.  This may be a small change in the playing field and if this is truly a new trend then I hope it will continue. What speaks to Madison Ave. moguls are bottom line profits so if any real change is going to occur here it will have to mean a rise in sales.

Often we have seen in the past that when women have spoken up they have paid a high price in the backlash that often shows up down the line, but I believe that this time it will be different. I feel this way because women are no longer willing to be silent. We have found our voices and in truth, this is the biggest change that has come from this movement.

Being a Change Maker

 What if you could affect a change that would begin to be felt by the generations to come?  What if you could right now start supporting programs for the younger generations that would help them to be able to grow up with new ideas of what it means to be a woman in this culture?

Well, you can and I am, by creating a new teen girls program called Sasse Girls. Sasse Girls seeks to create a new model that will give girls new images of "sexy and powerful" women and help them to find their own authentic expression.

This program is just in the beginning phases of crowdfunding on Indiegogo and I want to invite you to take a look at our campaign page and video and take action to help bring this program into the world. When you contribute something to programs like Sasse you become a part of the change that you are seeking to see in the world.

It is so important at this time in our history that we actually take some sort of action to support programs that are designed to empower youth in becoming healthy, strong and empowered young women. Consciousness raising and addressing what happens to women who live in a "rape culture" is the first step in this process the second is to take some form of action.

If you feel called to support Sasse Girls then know that your contribution will make a difference in the life of at least one girl if not more.

Below are a few more suggestions that you can do if you wish to be part of the change.

  1. Believe in the power of your thought and intention. When enough people envision a new future that is based on egalitarian and humanitarian values then change can occur. This is a fact that has been proven over and over again, 
  2.  Become more informed about the Herstory of our world and begin to share what you learn with other women and girls and educate yourself.
  3.  If you have a son teach him to honor respect women, to accept the feminine within himself, and to see girls as whole people not just sex objects, 
  4. If you have a daughter support her in understanding where her true power comes from and to know that being a powerful woman is not just based on being sexy and looking pretty. Help her to discover who she is apart from the media and to love and accept herself.
  5.  Speak out against the violence you read about toward women. Your voice is important and needs to be heard. Don't be complacent and think your voice doesn't matter. It is the only thing that does. 
  6. Take action as needed. If you see something that doesn't feel right, do something about it.
  7.  Support organizations and projects that help women and girls who have been trafficked, who need the chance to go to school or to start a business. Below are a few great organizations that work with human trafficking issues and education for women and girls.

        Each of us can effect change if we choose to believe in our own individual and collective power. Change happens over time and it is always because of a group of committed and dedicated people who aligned with each other and who stood up for something they believed in, no matter what it took to make it happen. I invite you to meet this challenge if you feel moved and to do so today!


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