Creating a New Paradigm for Women's Sexuality

Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to live in a world where women are honored and respected? A world where girls can run freely to play and express themselves and where sex is something that is natural and considered sacred regardless of how you choose to express it.

I have, many times since my mission you might say is to help establish such a world or at least help to bring it forth. I have wondered what would it take to create this type of world and how we might go about it? Establishing a new paradigm is no easy task and it cannot be done by just wishing and hoping.  What it takes is a definite concrete plan of some sort which includes new ideas and new ways of thinking and being. 

So before I speak about what you can do to help us create this new paradigm,  I want to review where we are now in the culture that we are living in. For as we establish a new paradigm for women, men will change too.  I want us to take a look at what women, you, and I perhaps, have been told and accepted as the norm over the decades even when we knew it did not feel right.

Women have been raised for the most part to:

  • Be sexually appealing to men.
  • Be available sexually for men.
  • Be pretty and have a sexy figure.
  • Know how to handle a man to get what we want.
  • Be willing to use our bodies and sex to manipulate and get what we want.
  • Be mean and competitive with other women.
  • Flaunt and exploit our sexuality for money, fame or?

Women have been taught to:

  • Not ask for what they want.
  • Use their sexuality to get something they want.
  •  Say yes when they mean no.
  • Let themselves be objectified for money.
  • Feel disempowered and victimized.

This paradigm has caused women to feel:

  • Not safe to express their sexuality in public. 
  • Unsafe to be in their own body. 
  • The need to repress, hide or exploit their sexuality. 
  • Objectified and valued for their looks and their sex appeal. 
  • Dishonored and disrespected for being a woman. 
  • Victimized and powerless over their own life.
Maybe you have felt some of these things or acted in some of these ways and not realized how dysfunctional it was and how easily you may have fallen into this type of behavior or had these sorts of feelings. Even if you see yourself as a fairly liberated woman, independent and self-sufficient you can not escape the climate and tenor of the environment of misogyny and sexual objectification. The only way to escape this is to create a new way of living, thinking, and feeling about women and women's sexual power.

If you, as I do, want to live in that world I briefly described above, then together we must take a stand for the things we do want and begin to take the action necessary to create that world. 

Here are some of the ways in which you can begin to live into this new paradigm for women and feminine sexual power.

  • Be willing to ask yourself if you believe that you are only worth what you look like or how sexy you are?
  • Take a long look at your own attitudes that you may be holding regarding your relationships with other women and be willing to question them and even change them.
  • Embrace your sexuality and learn how to walk with your sexual allure without feeling the need to exploit, flaunt, hide, or apologize for it.
  • Begin to demand that you are seen for who you are as a whole person not just for what you look like.
  • Take a stand when you see advertisements that show women as sex objects to sell merchandise.
  • Explore how you have internalized and perpetuated the misogynistic culture we live in.

You might also begin to develop more of these qualities:

  • Courage, bravery, and fierceness.
  • Self-authority and confidence.
  • The ability to speak your truth with a compassionate heart.
  • Cultivating your sexual presence and charisma.
  • Self-acceptance and self-love.
  • Honoring feminine power and the goddess in all women.
  • Taking full responsibility for your life and your sexual power.
  • Celebrating your sexuality.
  • Becoming more graceful with your sexual power.
The truth is that it will take all of us both men and women to work together in bringing forth these new ideas and ways for women to be seen and held. Of course, you must first do the work that is needed for you to change your own beliefs and attitudes, but once you have begun that process you will no longer be able to tolerate the way it is and the status quo and you will begin to enact the way you desire it to be.

If you would like more information on how you can learn to embody some of those qualities listed here, please contact me for information on the programs for The New Feminine Mystique, a Pathway to Your Sexual Wholeness at:



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