The True Meaning of Sisterhood ~ Taking a Stand for the Divine Feminine

We are living in both challenging and powerful times, especially here in the U.S. where a new regime has been falsely put into power. What this means for all of us is that it is time to take our power back from the undeserving and step-up and fight for our rights as citizens of a democratic republic.

As a woman, I have a vested interest beyond just my human rights to take a stand at this most crucial time in history. Women today for the first time in thousands of years have one of the most powerful and strongest voices that have ever been heard. As representatives of the Divine Feminine, we have been gaining strength and power in leaps and bounds since Venus eclipsed the sun in 2011. Never before has the world seen women stand up for being a woman with the numbers that we have seen in these past years. Women such as Eve Ensler who helped to create the one million movement and women in every walk of life have been making strides in their own way.

Women everywhere are redefining what it means to be a woman in this era of feminine power and we are collectively taking a stand to stop the backlash of feminism, of our right to keep Roe vs Wade, to stop the misogynistic and rape culture we are living in from decimating the hard-won laws and rights that so many women before us gave their time and lives for. With this new "regime" about to be sworn in as our 45th president, this is no time to sit back and wait to see what happens. Women and the men that support them, need to stand-up and be seen and heard. It is time for us all to speak the TRUTH and to live as our true selves, our wise woman selves.

What matters most at this time is that all women stand together in solidarity, as we are doing here in the U.S.for the march on January 21st in Washington. This march is just the beginning and it is not just for the women who live here but for every woman who has suffered for being born a woman and whose rights have been taken away.

So I invite you to align with the women who are marching on the 21st and to see what you are willing to do to defend your right to live freely as you choose to live and to choose to become a sister to all women. To join hearts, hands and minds with your sisters across the miles and to know that we are connected.  It does not matter what town, village, state or country you live in. 

When taking a stand for yourself you stand for all women everywhere. When healing yourself you heal all women everywhere.

By doing this you can help shift the collective consciousness that has been so prevalent for the past 5,000 years and support the Divine Feminine in remaining strong.  Your conscious decision to do this will be felt in the collective field as ripples in a pond when a stone is thrown in it. When enough people align together and focus their intentions on one thing that they wish to see change, it is guaranteed to happen. Alone we can be powerful but together we are UNSTOPPABLE.


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