The Power of Beauty

For hundreds if not thousands of years men have been dictating the standards of beauty to women. No matter what time in history beautiful women have been admired, sculpted, painted, and sought after. Being beautiful was something that every woman wanted to be for being beautiful gave women power over men. Look at Helen of Troy who started the Trojan war she was considered the most beautiful woman of her time, her face has launched a thousand ships. Being beautiful gave a woman an edge in the world of men.

Today, just like sex, beauty has become a commodity. Naomi Wolf in her book The Beauty Myth shares how women for decades have been sold a bill of goods by the marketing moguls of Madison Ave., and that women have believed them. The standards of beauty continue to be dictated by men for the most part. The fashion industry, Hollywood, and MTV are brainwashing not only women but girls as well and we continue to believe that we are not the right kind of beautiful or not beautiful enough.

Being thought beautiful is still a prize to be sought by women everywhere and there seems to be no end in sight. Our culture still idolizes beautiful women above all others, which has diminished the value of women as a whole.

 In each era, you will find the standards of what defines beauty in a woman change. In one era, it might be ivory skin, tiny waist, rosy cheeks, and in another being voluptuous and full figured or as in our own day, being blonde, skinny, and busty. I find it interesting that women have had very little say as to what they feel defines being a beautiful woman is and we allow ourselves to be told over and over again how we should look, act, dress, smell and be.

Don’t you think it is time that we take our power back from men, women, and anyone who is telling us what we should look like, dress like, and feel like? Don’t you think it is time for women to define what being beautiful means to them?

Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you must train yourself to see beauty in yourself and to begin to question what the media or the collective consensus is telling you.

We have the opportunity to move forward at this time and to change the status quo. For never has there been a more urgent need to do so. It makes me heartsick to see another generation of girls grow up thinking that being beautiful is the only value that they have and that being beautiful has to look a certain way. 

We can broaden our definitions of what makes a woman  look beautiful to go beyond the old adage, "Beauty is only skin deep." We can choose for ourselves what it means for us to be a beautiful woman. 

I invite you to be the one that takes the lead in being a woman who dares to define for herself what being a powerful, strong, and beautiful woman is.

To learn more about The New Feminine Mystique and how to use your sexual presence and charisma go to:


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