"Within the sacred womb of women dwells a mysterious magnetic power that attracts all back to their divinity." 

For thousands of years women have been gathering in sacred circles to recognize the bond that unites them. It is this bond that goes deeper than women being friends or even being a “sister” that I am addressing.

Having a woman's body is the bond that unites all women everywhere. It is because of our sex, our "yoni", that we are deeply connected and bonded. The yoni is one of the most ancient symbols for feminine power.This symbol has been found on cave walls dated thousands of years ago. 

"It is through the intimacy of every woman's body, that the flame of spirit is kept for it's direct transmission to others." (Lilith, Keepers of the Flame.)

Throughout the many civilizations of Goddess based cultures, this symbol of feminine power has been used. This understanding of our feminine power is as ancient as our world. It's origins are from the first woman Lilith in the Garden of Eden. There have been cults developed about the power of the “yoni” in Ancient India and the flow of
the “elixir of life” or amrita.

It is through our remembering this power and reclaiming the innocence of our body that we reclaim the innocence of all women everywhere and step into our sisterhood. It is through the portal of acknowledging the source of your authentic feminine power, that a new paradigm regarding how women and women's sexuality are viewed can be established.

There is nothing you have to do to become a part of this sisterhood other than making a conscious decision that this bond between women is one that transcends the collective belief about women in relationship with each other. This bond rather than seeding more competition, jealousy and fear between women can unite us. When you remember where your power resides and that it is this very thing that unites all women, you will know yourself to be a Temple Sister.

Some of the Qualities of a Temple Sister

  • She is a woman who is vibrantly alive and radiating her love.

  • She is dedicated to speaking the TRUTH in order to serve and reveal any illusion.

  • She knows who she is, how she serves and lives from this center point.

  • She loves, respects and honors herself and therefore loves, respects and honors other women.

  • She sees the priestess in all women and supports them in seeing it too.
  • She celebrates the successes of her sisters and willingly collaborates and supports new endeavors. 

  • She knows her mind but follows her heart.

  • She understands the power of her sex, has reclaimed her erotic innocence and fully expresses her sexuality authentically.

  • She lives in innocence and celebrates being a woman.

  • She loves her body no matter what shape, size, and age she is, and treats it as a Temple.
  • She recognizes that because she has a woman’s body she is connected, bonded with all women everywhere.
She Is You!

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