The New Millennium Woman

What is the New Millennium Woman? What are the qualities of this type of woman? How can we recognize this woman when we meet her? What will she look like, sound like, feel like?

We are living in one of the most exciting and transformative times on earth. We have entered into a New Age, some say it is the Aquarian Age that has been foretold in sacred texts, and because of this, those who are called are beginning to acquire a new set of skills and evolving into a true "human being." The times we are living in are now dictating this new human. We are becoming more awake to our true nature and staying connected to our source, we are evolving into our enlightened selves our essence.

 The New Millennium Woman a woman of the New World, is a woman of her own creation.

It has been thirteen years since the beginning of the New Millennium. Hard to believe how fast the time has gone by and the first wave of this new Era is well on its way. We have passed through many of the foretold gateways like 2012 and suddenly we find ourselves unsure of what to expect next as the world energies accelerate. With this acceleration come new choices for us to make as a country, people and individually. In this second wave each one of us is being asked to redefine our values, to ask ourselves the questions, "what is it that I really want," and "what is it that is truly important to me." As we redefine our core values our desires change and so does what we put our attention on.

The world that we have known is rapidly changing. At this time of great transition when one world transitions into another, how we respond in our daily lives to our environment makes a huge difference in the way in which we contribute to the world at large. What we are putting our attention on is always what we will receive so shifting our attention to more positive outcomes both in our personal lives and in the world will have a direct effect on the world that is being created.

Today we live with more freedom than most women in the world, we hold high paying jobs, raise children, have relationships and yet we are still living out of an old paradigm of the feminine. Our new ideal of womanhood must come from the new world that we want to create and live in. It is with that in mind that we can begin to create ourselves.

As a woman you have an amazing opportunity to take the lead during this time. You are being called to model a new way of being with your feminine energy. Everywhere you are discovering new opportunities to step forward into your feminine power. Redefining your power is now more important than ever before. To awaken to your own divine feminine nature even more and to begin to focus our energy on creating a world you as woman have always known could be created. This new vision of the world includes our feeling unified with all of life, a feeling of inner peace and happiness, knowing that we are love itself and as such we can begin to model a new way of being in the world.

We are creating this new idea of what it means to be a woman in her full feminine power as we live into her. We are the pioneers of the new world and our values and what shapes us are different from the way our fore-mothers were. Our choices are infinite.

Who Is This Woman?

This new woman is a creature of her own making, yet she is being molded by love. She is an embodiment of the 13 archetypes of the Goddess, she is sovereign unto herself, she is whole and sufficient and lives in the present moment, without fear of the future. She is powerful, sexy, wise, nurturing, radiant love, intelligent, playful, open and free, receptive and creative, she is a partner to life, she no longer needs a man but may desire one for fun and sharing. She is not bound by society or what the current collective consciousness dictates, she knows her own mind and lives according to her authentic/unique self. This woman already lives within each of us and can be accessed if we want her to be.

This woman of the new world is free from many of the old paradigms that have held her captive, without her even knowing it. How she relates to men and how she views her role in relationship to her world is more expansive and inclusive.

This new woman of our own making must take the time to understand herself. She must desire to know herself better and to be courageous. Our feminine values are more than ever on the forefront for all the world to embrace but we must embrace them first and then live them. When you choose to become a New Millennium Woman you are taking the first step in creating a new paradigm for the feminine. What will you choose?

If you wish to know more about the New Divine Feminine Energy and the creation of a new paradigm for the feminine please go to: The School of Womyn's Mysteries.


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