Sexual healing as a profession is a fairly recent phenomenon beginning with Sex Therapy and over the past 15 years, broadening to include trained and certified sexual healers, also known as Sacred Intimates, Sexological Bodyworkers, Dakas, and Dakinis.

For decades these courageous women and men have offered their services to women who have bravely sought them out for a deeper awakening to their sexuality. For hundreds of years, women have hardly been allowed to have any sexual libido at all and if they did they were classified as hysterical. The medical profession gave this name to the symptoms of women who had too much pent-up sexual energy in the Victorian Age and treated it with hands-on therapy provided by a physician. This doctor would stimulate the clitoris of the patient until she had an orgasm or paroxysm (release of tension). Of course, they also thought that a lobotomy would calm the woman down and so many hundreds if not thousands of women were literally made into zombies of sorts. With no frontal lobe, you would be very calm and zombielike.

 Thank the Goddess that that practice was abandoned and that today women are blessed to have other forms of sexual healing. Today sexual healing has come out of the closet and is finally being seen as a legitimate profession.

Dr. Christiane Northrup, physician, best-selling author, and internationally renowned women's health expert commented, "Up until very recently, hands-on sexual healing has been cloaked in secrecy, shame, and misunderstanding. But a bold new group of courageous pioneers like Pamela Madsen, are leading the way toward a deeper, richer understanding of women's sexual pleasure as a force for health and healing that positively affects all areas of their lives. The new feminism includes embracing our erotic power, and hands-on sexual healing in the right setting can be a very effective way to accomplish this." Clearly, hands-on-sexual healing is slowly seeping into the mainstream with such shows as HBO’s Hung.


Body armoring is a term Wilhelm Reich used to describe when the muscular tissue of the body responds to emotional as well as physical trauma by tensing up in a protective reflex. Over time, these tissues become chronically stiff and hard, blocking sensation and energy flow in the affected area. Armoring is an instinctive protective device whose purpose is to defend against experiencing physical or emotional pain. When a person can no longer feel or respond to sexual or sensual pleasure in an area of the body, in this case, the genitals, we call this genital armoring.

Deborah Anapol, author, and sex educator, in her article What is Sexual Healing states, "Genital armoring initially occurs when children are shamed or discouraged from touching their genitals, enjoying their bodies through masturbation, and engaging in natural exploration with peers. It can also result from invasive medical interventions (i.e. abortion, hysterectomy, circumcision, or cesarean delivery) insensitive or unskilled partners, rough handling, overuse of vibrators, emotional trauma, and unfulfilling lovemaking. The most dramatic and severe genital armoring is often a result of rape or child sexual abuse but ordinary people with no personal history of abuse can easily acquire enough armoring to drastically limit their sexual pleasure simply by being exposed to society’s typical anti-sex messages.


Sexual healing can cover many areas of your sexual expression, from healing sexual abuse to feeling more pleasure throughout your body and having more full-bodied orgasms. You may wish to see a sex therapist for sexual dysfunction or a psychologist who specializes in sexual abuse and trauma or who offers hands-on sexual healing sessions.

Sexual healing from abuse can take years for some and often does. It can be an ongoing process, but if you are willing to do the necessary work which includes both talk and hands-on sexual healing, you can recover. If wanting to just awaken more to your sexual energy and open up more to sexual pleasure, or even just sensual pleasure, working with a sexual healer who offers a hands-on approach can be all that you need.

As a sexual healer and sex educator, I have found that what is most needed for the client to recover is the ability to have a choice, to have control over what and when something takes place in a session. If all the client does is make a decision about something I ask her about then it is a successful session.

If you are a professional in the field of sexuality you may wish to take the training that I have co-developed called, The Somatic Sensual Healing Program We have two levels at the moment with more to come. The first level is dedicated to the healing of women and the second to the healing of men.

To find out more about this life-changing course since you will be able to play the role of the client and receive healing as well as learn how to be a compassionate sexual healer, go to:



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