Awakening Once Again

Today was the day that I died a good death. A breakthrough sure why not call it that. In the midst of my suffering, the ego that is, the small self that we all feel attached to, I prayed for Grace, for peace and to remember who I Am. In the midst of my releasing the pain I created and create by identifying with the false self, a miracle occurred. The I dissolved into nothingness and the mind stopped. I remember both Eckhart Tolle and Gangaji saying the same thing basically, that when the pain gets to great in the pain body you can say STOP!!!!! And so I did. And my mind stopped and I was able to meet my-SELF once again. In this meeting of my-SELF I saw everything that has been happening in my life, all the drama, as not important, as perfect in it's opportunity to bring me to this place. I saw that what causes the suffering regarding anything that we may do is duality, judging something good or bad, right or wrong. I saw that it was my judging my particular situation as bad that was causing me all the tears and suffering of the pain body. In Truth it was a great blessing in that I am able to see how my judging my actions and those of another creates pain for me. Without the judgment the situation is neither good nor bad. It just is.

So today I have dropped out of the game of duality, for this moment, I am blessed and in deep gratitude for everything that has occurred over the past 5 days in my life. I know that whether I have a job or a career or a new car are not essentially important to my being fulfilled or happy. This does not mean that I don't have a hunger to share more of who I am, more of my gifts with the world and specifically with women. It just means that whether I have these things or not I am still ok, my life is still fulfilling and I can be happy. In my awakening once again to the Truth of who I Am, I remember what is really of value, what is really important and that I can just relax all of my need to have it be different.

We are all living at a time that is very tumultuous and perhaps even exciting. We may be feeling even more the uncertainty of our lives. We may be noticing that we really don't have control over everything that happens to us, in fact the paradox here is that we can only co-create our lives with All That Is, God and Goddess or whatever you choose to call the vast intelligence of the Yoniverse. We shape our lives by where we put our attention, what we think about and what we say or do. In this we are God/Goddess, but we also live in the mystery not knowing what will happen next. So it is a dance to learn how to live from both our knowingness of who we are and our surrendering to the unfolding of the mystery.

This is our challenge for those of us who have chosen the path of awakening. It requires constant vigilance and our complete commitment to serve That Which Is, call it Love, God/Goddess or the Unified Field.

I can only take each moment as it comes, be present to what is before me, and take a deep breath and relax into life. All the pushing, striving and longing to be different or have a different life will only bring you suffering if you do not accept and love all of who you are, and all of what you have created first. Then let it all go, surrender your entire life over to the Still Small Voice the Peace that is you and that you live in.


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