True Feminine Power

What does the empowered woman feel like? 

I know we have used the word empowered quite a bit over the past few years. But for me, this word conveys an energy that I like. To feel empowered is for me to feel powerful from within. It truly describes the feminine way of power. Our essential feminine power comes from our core, our sexual center, and our yoni. For men, it resides in the hara or dantien, the solar plexus. 

You see the most potent force that women have is our shakti. Our primal life force, sexual creative energy. This force resides in all of us, but for women, it is what in many ways defines us. It is this primal energy from our sex center, the second chakra, (that point just above the pelvic bone) that enables us to create life, to be both wild and untamable as well as docile, harmonious, and calm.

 Our sexual energy is our true feminine power as it is here that the creation of life begins and the mystery of our body is held. Our sexual energy entices, allures, fascinates, radiates, and attracts both men and women. When a woman is fully embodying her sexual essence, she is her most empowered self. She walks with the grace of one who is confident, centered, serene, present, sensual, and fully in her body. She is not afraid of her sexual energy or of the power this energy has over other people. She understands her power and is able to use it wisely, with compassion and integrity. 

Since she no longer needs to manipulate or control her sexual energy or survive on it, she can be authentically herself, her fully embodied goddess self. She is proud of her womanliness, her yoni her breasts her hips her belly, and all of her curves. She revels in her body and loves all of it no matter what shape it is. It is from this place that she creates and offers her gifts, and it is from this place that she partners with a man. A woman fully living in her feminine power is naturally radiant and receptive, yet strong from within herself. This woman lives in you and I invite you to discover her. 


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