Reclaiming the Innocence of Eve

Recently, in doing research for a book I am writing, I discovered to my horror how the myth of Adam and Eve was changed to fit the Christian Church's political agenda of the times.

Being a woman has never been easy, especially if you happened to be one in Rome, Greece, or anywhere in Europe around 400 AD. The body was considered evil, and sex is almost forbidden except for the act of procreation. And since women represented a temptation to man's contemplation of God, she was seen as the evil temptress. The world was made to believe that women caused the downfall of the human race.

This is some pretty heavy 'karma' to live down. So women for generations have taken on these beliefs, and men have too, that have caused us to live in a constant state of apology for being a woman.

In my last blog, "Take the Apology Out of Being a Woman", I refer to these facts. But what I wish to speak about here is how we as women can reclaim the innocence that was taken from us. You see we are all innocent in the eyes of the Goddess or God. Spirit does not judge any us. It is only we who judge ourselves. Innocence is a state of mind, a way that one feels about themselves. And it is truly not something that can be taken from us. And yet women allowed their innocence to be taken from them in one fell swoop of the pen and have been paying for it ever since.

This forsaken innocence has been something that we as women have almost forgotten about as we live in a world where sex is a commodity bought and sold to the highest bidder. We see advertisements that use our bodies to sell products and yet we do nothing about it. We too have become numb and in a way compliant regarding the sexualization of our bodies. Women have for so long accepted this as the normal way of life that to think differently about it is often not easy.

Reclaiming our innocence must start with each individual. Each woman must decide for herself that she is innocent, that her body is the temple of the Goddess and that her sex is divine. Her nature is not to serve man but to partner with him to co-create a world where women are seen once again as the emissaries of the divine feminine and men of the divine masculine.

We can choose to do this in a ritual that we do for ourselves or in a group of women, or just by knowing that we are innocent and that we were always innocent. In Truth, there is nothing to apologize for or to even reclaim. We were born innocent and pure of heart. Our bodies have always been celebrated and honored and anything other than that was something we allowed ourselves to believe.

So I invite you as a representative of womankind to step forward. Reclaim your sexual innocence, your body's innocence, and all of the womankind's innocence.


  1. Absolutely true! Deliciously, ecstatically, innocently true. This awakening of primal innocence is a return to what is natural and real. Thank you for sharing these transformative realities.


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