The Feminine Mystique

Is it our allure that woos men away at a glance, that holds the promise of something they can only wonder at? Is it in our smile, or perhaps the way we walk and move that captures their attention. Is it in our wit and intelligence that causes such chaos among men? Or is it our beauty, the face, and form that could launch a thousand ships?

What is this mystery that men cannot understand or explain, that keeps them fascinated in women?

Women are complex creatures. We barely understand this mystery that we hold over men, and we are just beginning to explore what this power is that has caused men to both admire and fear us for thousands of years.

It seems that from the beginning of creation woman has always been an enigma to man, both revered and feared. For thousands of years, man first worshiped her form as the Goddess incarnate and honored her as the giver of life. And for the past five thousand years, man has tried to control her, exploit her and keep her power at bay. Blaming her for the evils of the world, as in the story of Adam and Eve and Pandora’s Box and demoting her function to that of helpmate and nurturer.

So the question I ask is why would men go to such lengths to prevent womankind taking her rightful place in the world? What is the feminine mystique?

For me, the answer to this question lies in first understanding that woman is, in many ways, determined by her biology. Now I know you may be thinking that this sounds too limited but bear with me. You see, for a woman her biology, her body, has for many thousands of years determined her function and her place in the world.

As stated by Roslind Miles in The Woman's History of the World “The biology of woman holds the key to the story of the human race. The triumph of evolution occurred in the female body, is a critical development that secured the future of the species. This was the biological shift from primate estrus, when the female comes into heat, to full human menstruation. Female menstruation was the evolutionary adaptation that preserved the human species from extinction.”

So we can see that by having the ability to procreate at any time, to be sexual and have the desire for the sexual union at any time, woman's high status was ensured in the ancient world for some 25,000-50,000 years. It is this primary fact that in itself helped determine her fate in the world. Because of this fact, women held the power to which man habitually deferred. Men saw this ability with awe and not understanding how this was so, women became the representatives of the Goddess on earth and little distinction was made between her sacred and secular power.

The power and mystery of her body was insured. With woman's ability to invoke sexual desire in men, and to withhold it if she decided to do so, she now had a power over men that had previously been unknown. She could, if she desired, use this power to love and give pleasure, or as was later seen after the demise of the Goddess religions, to survive.

With the discovery of the role, that man played in fathering children, woman's power began to diminish and her role reduced to that of a sexual playmate, slave, breeder or helpmate.

The fact that women are sexual and inspire desire and lust in man, is something we have been born with because we are in a woman's body. It is this very thing that man has tried to tame, the wild and uncontrollable primal sexual force that women innately have whether they are aware of it or not. That sacred sanctuary between our legs, the holy temple of delight, the Yoni, Punani or Pussy. This is what is most desired yet has been most feared throughout the history of mankind.

Today we find women everywhere beginning to explore and reclaim once again this innate ancient power of the feminine. And as we do so we also are finding that this power is not only delegated to the bedroom but is also a viable force to be reckoned with in the world.

Now is the time that women everywhere can begin to truly reclaim the innocence of their womanhood, their sex, and their bodies. To once again take their rightful place alongside man as his partner, lover, and friend and to begin to create a new world where the feminine is respected and honored and therefore women and girls are respected and honored and where living in partnership is the natural way.


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