The Power of a Woman's Body

Did you know that for the past two-plus thousand years women have been molded by a false narrative about their authentic feminine power? The truth about our feminine power is that it resides within us as our sexuality and our sex. This power that all women have which has been distorted, denied, and falsified by the male dominator culture in which we live has caused us to believe that our innate value is based on our outer beauty, and sexual appeal to others, especially men, rather than on our intellect, wit, unique gifts, and talents. Our innate sexual power lies in the fact that we can give birth to another human being, that within our womb lies a magnetic force this energy within our womb, yoni, punani, or pussy is so powerful that when consciously channeled and focused it can be used to heal, give tremendous pleasure, manifest and create anything that we might desire. This power we hold has been feared by mankind because of its magnetic pull and attract...