2024 the Year of Choice Point

Every New Year has a unique theme and for me, 2024 will be a momentous year for everyone. 2024 is the year of choice point for us all. It will be the year we choose which path we wish to follow personally and globally. We always have a choice no matter what else you may think, Our lives are made up of the choices we have made and our future the choices we will make. How you feel and think about yourself, others and the world affects you on an emotional and physical level and will impact you accordingly. It also contributes to the collective energy and thus it will have an impact on everyone. Your intentions and feelings, your words and actions do have an impact and they do make a difference. This coming year may have many challenges to face, which may also present some hard choices we need to make. We already are experiencing dissonance and polarization amongst our families, friends, states, and nations. The path you choose to foll...