The New Feminine Rising

For thousands of years, men have been defining what it means to be a woman. Men have dictated what it means to be a sexy woman and a feminine woman. Men told women what they wanted women to be and then over time put their ideas into the collective field. Now, this started many thousands of years ago during the first dawning of bronze and into the Iron Age. It was during those times that the Great Mother Goddess began to lose her power over the people and the Hebrew, and the Christian patriarchs of the day rewrote herstory to suit their new version of amasculine God a god of war, birth, death, and rebirth. The purpose behind all of this was to gain control and power over the people. If you take away the power of creation, our sexual power, and their sovereign right to choose for themselves you control people much more easily. The secret agenda was always to diminish the power of the feminine and to empower men with toxic masculinity. The power of the feminin...