The Transformational Power of Love

What is love? We think we understand what this word means but do we really? I know that over the past decade I have allowed myself to open to a deeper meaning of what love truly is. We say the word love for almost everything that we like. I love ice cream or I love swimming and I love you. What if love was something different than what we believed it to be? What if love was a more tangible substance that is part of the very fabric of our universe? What if love was a powerful energy that we feel within our hearts and something that we could learn to direct with a focused intention? I know for a fact that love in its purest sense is not limited to just a feeling, but a substance that is made up of adamantine particles and light. I have seen with my inner sight the web that is around us all of the time and it is made of particles of love. Love is pure consciousness. Pure love in its most true form is actually an organic substance. When I firs...