Ascension Tips for Everyday Living

I have written before about the Ascension process but today I want to offer an excerpt from one of my dear friends' newest E-Book Ascension Tips, a Simple Blueprint for Your Ascension Journey, by Debra Guisti. There are many people right now who speak about this but few who really understand what it means and why we are right now as a collective being asked to take this huge leap into a new way of being personally and globally. I found Debra's definition of the Ascension process to be clear and concise and easy to understand for those who may not be as familiar with that word. Again, this process is something we are all undergoing whether we choose to believe it is happening or not. It is part of the organic evolution of the planet as well as of the people who live upon it. Planets are living beings and they evolve just as humans were meant to evolve. Because we are not separate from the Earth we experience much of what the Earth or Gaia experiences but in more subtl...