Sexual Empowerment and the Lost Art of Seduction

What makes a woman her most alluring? Is it her brains, beauty, wit, charm, or sex appeal? What are the elements that create female sexual empowerment? Some might say that for a woman to be sexually empowered she must be experienced. Others might say she must know how to be charming and have great sexual charisma, but true female sexual empowerment includes all of this and more. You may think that with the over usage of the word “sexy” these days, the prostitution of sex, and the rampant use of pornography as the new form of sex education, that female sexual empowerment is a given. But the message that is being blasted into the minds and hearts of teen girls and young adult women is not one of female sexual empowerment but rather one of enslavement. The truth is that what makes a woman truly powerful is learning how to use her natural given gifts and talents. Those things that make her, you, the funniest, smartest, or wittiest and to learn how to cultivate these talents and...