Embodied Presence and Living in a New Reality

What is Embodied Presence? How can you become more aware of this Presence within yourself to help you to remain calm, centered, and peaceful amid life's challenges? These are some of the questions I have asked myself for many years which I have after years of mediation practice and study, finally begun to truly understand and embody for myself . For the past two months, I have been in the process of releasing how I have distracted myself from paying attention to my essential nature, the stillness of being. I have been going deeper into this exploration of my True Self, allowing everything I have identified with to drop away. This included the story of me or the personal self, my successes and failures, especially regarding my career choices. As well as how I saw myself being in the world and all of the roles I have played and am still playing, identifying with, and seeing myself as. It included letting go of all the ways I was jud...