Shifting Your Perception Can Shift Your Experience of Reality
You may have heard that your perception is everything, but what does this truly mean? After all, there are over 8 billion people on our planet and it would seem that all of them view the world differently from ourselves. Especially in today's environment where there is so much dissonance between people. Each of us forms our beliefs and how we view the world based on a myriad of circumstances. Our environment, parents, education, media, social influences, and more. Our perception of ourselves, our life, or the world at large creates the reality we live in at any given moment. Our perception is subjective because each person chooses to see or perceive what they wish to perceive. For some, as the old adage goes, "the glass can be half full or half empty" depending on how you perceive it. When you change your perception from something that is not life-affirming to something that is life-affirming then you are able to also shift yo...