Understanding the Process of Ascension

You may have heard the word ascension used quite often these days, and yet what does this really mean and how do we do it? I have discovered that ascension is a process, not a goal. It isn't something that you learn how to do but rather it is something you are doing as you evolve into your full human potential. It is the process of your awakening to your True Nature or your Essential Self. Ascension is the realization of your unlimitedness, your superpowers, your connection to the allness of life, and the expression of this in your current human form. It is the healing of our karma and karmic patterns of significant lifetimes and on many of the spiritual planes that we may have existed on at one time or another. It is mastery over the material world. Dominion over each area of your life and most of all it is living in service to the awakening of humanity. Ascension is a transfiguration of our physical carbon-based bodies int...