What it Means to Be the Master of Your Life

No one can give you power but yourself. What I am speaking about is TRUE Power, the power that comes from within yourself and that no one can ever take from you. This is the power of self-mastery. This is the power that will make you strong, fearless, and give you the courage to face whatever you are called to face in your life. It is this power that we all have and that we are all responsible for. Ever since I can remember I have desired to be a person who has achieved a state of self-mastery. This idea of being a master has many interpretations. For some being a master conjures up images of Jesus walking on water, Sai Baba manifesting Vibuti in front of thousands, bi-locating and levitating oneself. Mastery may also signify being excellent in one thing, a skill or art form. Webster defines it as, to command or has a superior grasp over something . A master has generally spent years in the study of one thing and has mastered that skill or subject. I am sure you...