Awakening to the Power Within Yourself

When you are a sovereign being you are whole unto yourself. You do not give away your authority to anyone, anything, any concept or idea, any ascended master, angel etc. You learn how to trust your own guidance as an extension of Creator Source and nothing else. You see, all of us have been duped, yes even the so-called lightworkers and that includes me. The ones who have been spiritual seekers and have sought Truth. All of us no matter who you are or where you live we are all living under essentially the same system and so we have all been told things that are not necessarily the Truth. Much of our belief systems, religious organizations, philosophies have been co-opted. Yes, this may be hard to hear but I feel that the time has arrived for each of us to stand up and become who we are meant to be. To remember who we are and what we are capable of and how we alone can shift things when we stand up and say no more. When we begin to believe that we are the extens...