The Dawn of a New Age Part II, Becoming the New You

This new world that is in the beginning stages of emergence will require us to be stronger and more courageous, loving heartfelt, compassionate human beings than we have been. It is requiring that we focus more on other than self and that we evolve into our next evolution of humans. If we are to usher in this new age, we must be ready to be an example of what we want to see in this new world. This takes a willingness to face our own projection of fear, doubt, powerlessness, our old identification with the old world that is on its way out. Transformation is not always easy, but it can be easier if we each are willing to commit to our own evolution and reconnect with our True Nature as Source. By doing this you will begin to awaken as if from a deep sleep, and in a way, we have all been asleep to our own authentic power for decades if not hundreds of years. Once you begin to reclaim the sovereign self you will regain a sense of freedom in how you think ...