How to Stay Calm & Reclaim Your Power During the Coronavirus Pandemic

I wanted to offer some support at this time and decided to write something that was in part my own and in part borrowed by other people's suggestions. "The Coronavirus pandemic can be viewed as a problem, but if you perceive it ONLY as a problem and not a possibility, then you miss your opportunity to see the benefits that come out of any difficult situation. This is not to minimize the pain and fear that people are feeling about an uncertain future, but we are being given an opportunity to choose where and what we put our attention on. Do you choose to focus on the news or on the outpouring of kindness, support, and gifts being offered every day from so many people? If you choose a response that is calm and collected, you become the eye of the hurricane and in this space, you tell the Universe the quality of abundance you desire in the future and it has no choice but to match that resonance. We now have the opportunity for greater self-care and greater self-refl...